
  • Episode 6: Brennan and Robbie Talk with Dr. Leynar Leyton about Ornamental Perennial Peanut
    Feb 11 2025

    Episode Summary:

    On Episode Six, Brennan and Robbie are joined by Dr. Leynar Leyton, UF/IFAS Environmental Horticulture Extension Specialist and Plant Breeder. This week, you will learn about the growing use of Perennial Peanut for ornamental horticulture uses in landscapes and right of ways. Up until recent years, Perennial Peanut has traditionally been know for its forage hay production ability. Perennial Peanut plant breeding and development has been working on Perennial Peanut for the green industry in the subtropical zones in USDA Hardiness Zones 8A-11. During the episode Dr. Leyton will discuss what Perennial Peanuts are, ornamental uses, current cultivars, and future research coming in the next few years.

    Dr. Leyton's Faculty Profile: https://nfrec.ifas.ufl.edu/faculty-directory/leynar-leyton-naranjo/

    Chapter Markers:

    0:00 Cold Opening Intro

    0:27 Ag in the Cab Podcast Intro

    2:03 Brennan and Robbie's Opening Segment

    9:18 Dr. Leynar Leyton Introduction

    12:28 Discussion with Dr. Leynar Leyton on Ornamental Perennial Peanut

    41:37 Closing Segment with Brennan and Robbie

    Perennial Peanut Websites and Information:

    UF/IFAS Extension Gardening Articles on Perennial Peanut





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    48 min
  • Episode 5: Brennan and Robbie Talk with Dr. Bob Kemerait on nematodes and crop diseases.
    Nov 5 2024

    Episode Summary:

    On Episode Five, Brennan and Robbie are joined by Dr. Bod Kemerait, UGA Plant Pathologist for Agronomic Crops. This week, you will learn about nematode and disease management, taking steps to mitigate nematode and diseases for the 2025 planting season, and Dr. Kemerait’s international work teaching agriculture students around the world to improve productivity worldwide. A long episode with some extra information, but as always with Dr. Kemerait, it is packed full of a lot of great information!

    Dr. Kemerait’s Faculty Profile: https://plantpath.caes.uga.edu/people/faculty/bob-kemerait.html

    Chapter Markers:

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    56 min
  • Episode 4: Brennan and Robbie Talk With Andrew Sawyer on Pecan Production and Harvest
    Oct 28 2024

    Episode Summary:

    On Episode Four, Brennan and Robbie are joined by Andrew Sawyer, UGA Extension Area Pecan Agent for Southeast Georgia. This week, you will learn about pecan production, pecan harvest, the differences between export and domestic markets for pecans, pecan scab and other diseases, and why it is pronounced pee-can and not pah-khan.

    Andrew Sawyer’s Faculty Profile: https://extension.uga.edu/about/personnel-directory/person.html/14039/andrew-sawyer.html

    Chapter Markers:

    0:00 Cold Opening

    0:26 Ag in the Cab Podcast Intro

    1:57 Opening Segment with Brennan and Robbie discussing the fall weather.

    5:21 Introduction of this week’s guest, Andrew Sawyer, UGA Area Pecan Agent for SE Georgia.

    8:11 Andrew explains the history and the phonetically correct pronunciation of Pecan.

    12:58 Andrew discusses the current state of the Georgia pecan harvest, and the loss Georgia has seen from Hurricane Helene.

    14:35 Andrew discusses scab resistant varieties of pecan trees and what it takes for a pecan tree to be classified as a scab resistant variety.

    19:28 Andrew discusses how small/medium size pecan orchards, as well as large commercial orchards, can transition orchards over to new varieties with whisping.

    25:09 Andrew discusses what hedging is in pecan orchards and the value of hedging with increasing spray contact over the whole tree.

    29:53 Andrew discusses how homeowners, backyard, and small orchards fungicides and rain can impact scab control.

    32:23 Andrew discusses the topic of nostalgia and if 60 years ago pecan trees were better than pecan trees today, and why water supply and pollination is necessary for production.

    35:50 Robbie and Andrew discuss the topic of how pecan trees have a physiological characteristic that create the lore that they are never fooled to bud before winter is gone.

    37:15 Andrew discusses homeowner, backyard, and small orchard options for control of other insect and disease issues.

    40:56 Andrew discusses how small and medium size pecan producers can improve profit for their orchard.

    43:49 Robbie and Brennan’s closing segment, discussing their pecan stories and their upcoming Extension events.

    47:23 Ag in the Cab Podcast Outro

    Pecan Production Information:

    Southeast Pecan Growers Handbook: https://extension.uga.edu/publications/detail.html?number=B1327&title=southeastern-pecan-growers-handbook

    UGA Pecan Team Website: https://extension.uga.edu/topic-areas/fruit-vegetable-ornamentals-production/pecans.html

    Backyard Pecan Orchard Guide: https://secure.caes.uga.edu/extension/publications/files/pdf/B%201348_5.PDF

    Dr. Lenny Well’s book “Pecan: America’s Native Nut Tree”: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/68769356-pecan

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    48 min
  • Episode 3: Brennan and Robbie are "Talkin' Cotton" with Dr. Camp Hand
    Oct 21 2024

    Episode Summary:

    On Episode Three, Brennan and Robbie are joined by Dr. Camp Hand, UGA Extension Cotton Specialist and Host of the Talkin’ Cotton Podcast. The guys discuss the art, science, and fun of harvesting cotton. This week, you will learn some of the process cotton farmers go through to pick cotton each fall.

    Dr. Camp Hand’s Faculty Profile: https://www.caes.uga.edu/about/personnel/person.html/22478/camp-hand.html

    Chapter Markers:

    0:00 Cold Opening Intro

    0:13 Ag in the Cab Podcast Intro

    1:44 Robbie and Brennan’s opening segment (discussing the weather & the Sunbelt Ag Expo)

    3:42 Introduction of Dr. Camp Hand

    5:00 Discussion on the state of the 2024 cotton harvest

    8:22 Discussion on how a cotton farmer decides when the right time is to pick the cotton field

    12:00 Discussion on why cotton has varying height between fields and regions

    15:22 Discussion on crop rotation and the benefits of cotton production

    19:34 Discussion on the importance of following plant back restrictions for herbicides, like Cadre, in crop rotation plans

    22:14 Discussion on current ways cotton modules are made (round bale picker versus dump picker and module packer)

    23:58 Discussion on scrapping cotton and why picking cotton a second time is not profitable

    26:43 Discussion on recommended off season management to prepare for the next cotton production year

    29:13 Discussion on the Talkin’ Podcast, a biweekly cotton production podcast that Dr. Hand hosts

    29:47 Discussion on how a cotton farmer determines when a field that has had a large loss of production is not worth picking

    32:54 Discussion on when to plan for insects, nematodes, and diseases for cotton production

    34:50 Discussion on where to find the Talkin’ Cotton podcast to listen every other week and the challenge and fun of producing podcasts

    36:47 Brennan and Robbie’s Closing Segment (discussing Hurricane Helene agriculture damage, crop insurance, and smutgrass control)

    43:13 Ag in the Cab Podcast Outro

    Cotton Harvest Websites and Information:

    UGA Cotton Team Website: http://www.ugacotton.com/

    UF/IFAS Cotton Fertility Publication: https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/AG200

    UF/IFAS Cotton Growth and Development Publication: https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/AG235

    UF/IFAS Perennial Grass Addition to Cotton/Peanut Rotation: https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/AG257

    Video from Dr. David Wright on Perennial Grass Addition to Cotton/Peanut Rotation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CGqI1rIG9E

    Talkin Cotton Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2350262

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    44 min
  • Episode 2: Brennan and Robbie Discuss With Dr. Leanne Dillard on Winter Annual Forages
    Oct 14 2024

    Episode Summary:

    This week on Episode Two of the Ag in the Cab Podcast, Brennan and Robbie are talking with Dr. Leanne Dillard, Alabama State Extension Forage Specialist and Auburn University Associate Professor and Extension Specialist for Forage Agronomics. This episode focuses on the benefits of grazed cover crop forages for cattle and other livestock, integrated crop and livestock systems, as well as updates on Dr. Dillard’s current research.

    Dr. Leanne Dillard’s Faculty Profile: https://agriculture.auburn.edu/about/directory/faculty/leanne-dillard/

    Chapter Markers:

    0:00 Cold Opening Intro

    0:20 Ag in the Cab Podcast Intro

    1:51 Robbie and Brennan’s opening segment

    2:32 Introduction of Dr. Dillard

    6:01 Discussion on what multi species blends of winter cover crops is

    8:30 Discussion on the use of annual ryegrass and how to maximize that winter cover option

    16:43 Discussion on fertilizing winter annual forages

    19:41 Discussion on winter annual forages for non-cattle livestock and stockpiling summer perennial forages

    23:45 Discussion on integrated crop and livestock systems

    26:05 Discussion on Alabama Extension tour during the American Forage and Grasslands Council national meeting tour visiting Tim Tucker’s farm using drones to overseeding summer crop fields with annual ryegrass

    28:31 Discussion on how nitrogen fixation and nitrogen transfer works for leguminous winter cover crops

    30:38 Discussion on annual clovers being used in winter forages and cover crops

    34:27 Discussion on other options for farmers and ranchers that are not using winter forages to provide food options for their livestock

    36:13 Discussion on other current research focus for Dr. Dillard

    39:54 Brennan and Robbie Closing Segment

    41:39 Ag in the Cab Podcast Outro

    Winter (Cool) Season Annual Forage Recommendations:

    Florida: https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/AA266

    Georgia: https://swvt.uga.edu/content/dam/caes-subsite/statewide-variety-testing/docs/performance-trials/2024/winter-crops-2024.pdf

    Alabama: https://aaes.auburn.edu/variety-tests/small-grain-forage-variety-trials/

    Pasture Planning for Winter Forages (from Mississippi State Extension)


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    47 min
  • Episode 1: Brennan and Robbie Discuss What the Ag in the Cab Podcast Is All About
    Oct 5 2024

    Episode Summary:

    On the kick off episode of Ag in the Cab podcast, Brennan and Robbie spend time introducing you to themselves, overview what the Ag in the Cab Podcast is, and discuss some recent issues and topics they have seen out in the field as Extension Agents.

    Chapter Markers:

    1. 0:00 Ag in the Cab Podcast Intro
    2. 1:30 Brennan and Robbie Introduce the Podcast
    3. 2:30 Robbie and Brennan Introduce Themselves
    4. 4:18 Brennan and Robbie Overview More In-depth Their Goals and Outlook for the Podcast
    5. 9:01 Robbie and Brennan Discuss The Recent Hurricane Helene and the Impact on Farms in Georgia and Florida
    6. 14:47 Brennan and Robbie Discuss Recent Client Calls and Topics They Have Been Assisting Farmers and Ranchers With
    7. 26:36 Robbie Gives the Episode One Show Wrap-up
    8. 27:30 Ag in the Cab Podcast Outro

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    28 min