A pinkie promise is a promise you cannot break, and it's one our patient in this month's episode made to his wife when he was stricken with a life-threatening COVID infection. She made him promise that he would pull through the ordeal, and he did... but not without many bumps in the road. Our team not only battled our patient's COVID, but also a nasty case of pneumonia that ultimately led to him needing to be placed on ECMO, which, as you know, is usually a last resort. Listen in as they transported him prone, which our team had never done before in 20+ years of experience, dealt with an unexpected hailstorm during transport and find out how our patient ended up doing after a lung transplant. Interested in obtaining CE credit for this episode? Visit OnlineAscend.com to learn more. Listeners can purchase individual episode credits or subscribe to the Critical Care Review Bundle and gain access to all episode CE Credits. We are joined by: Jeff Dickson, NRP, FP-C The Wilkins Family Click here to download this episode today!
As always thanks for listening and fly safe!
Nyssa Hattaway, BA, BSN, RN, CEN, CPEN, CFRN