
  • Chiron and Aries and hell on earth
    Feb 9 2024

    Pluto leaves Capricorn after5 20 years of disservice and enters willingly into Aquarius at exactly the same time as Chiron squares Pluto in Aquarius and Mercury conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius and we have a new moon in Aquarius. The next 20 years a continued emotional gravity filled hell experience in Aquarius. This is no dress rehearsal.

    P & C 2024 Alchemy of grace

    all rights reserved worldwide in perpetuity

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    43 min
  • Quantum Projection (the acceptance of ego death)
    Jun 28 2023

    Dallas Brooks Hall public presentation. In May of 2022 Michael Puskas was asked to present a talk at the weekly Planetshakers Church gathering at the Dallas Brooks Hall in Melbourne. This well attended Saturday worship spoke in detail about the power of ego in a modern quantum fuelled sense and how the millenial projection has become a new philosophy and practice challenging the norm of the old school programmed perception of the world.

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    2 h et 1 min
  • The Healing Portal of Music in 2023
    Mar 29 2023

    Having been a musician, composer and producer for most of my life. Feeding my ego with desires, wants and demands on my psyche to always get better and deliver I completely missed for a very long time what the purpose of music was in context to the worlds current Dystopian predicament. After many soul searching experiences and coming to understanding the power of surrender and letting go in the moment, I found a fellow soul who understood the simplicity of our collective problem and the solution to all of it being that of outdated language and expression. That soul was David Bowie the enigmatic and nomadic tortured artist that embodied the very concept and desire internally of surrender through detachment. This is the dynamic that allows true musicians to embody their divine calling to raise their vibration and communicate with resonance to shift consciousness and empower humanity. Now more urgent than ever before the role of the musician is to create and co create without attachment to an agenda or outcome for a pure transmission of heart inspired intelligence is crucial to the survival of art and culture today on Gaia. Did I mention that its just as crucial to reject one's addiction to lustful technology and the now internalized AI fusion within the upgraded human? Right now the divine force of energy is rebuilding our entire cosmic grid of connection with new solar light codes and the musicians that operate only in the resonance of their hewart and not the ego fed head experience are the nodes holding this Hypergated light grid together. Immerse yourself in an audio experience that offers the listening soul a close up lens of deeper perception from the mind of a master protagonist for modern harmonic convergence with the self and liberated truth. P & C 2023 7th Sense Productions all rights reserved worldwide in perpetuity https://www.mixcloud.com/9th_Sense/

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    1 h et 22 min
  • Mike in the Metaverse (2023 the downward spiral)
    Dec 24 2022

    On the morning after the full moon Lunar eclipse in Taurus most people experienced what is known as the illusory 11.11 portal or gateless gate to higher illumination. As the Gregorian based calendar system is completely wrong and doesn't take into account the earths natural wobble the 11.11 is a satanic intentional Hypergate that sucks souls into its vortex of eternal deception. Notice that also falls in the middle of Scorpio season and that is the astrology of deception, fake news, being woke and filtered truth so the joke is on humanity! At around 3pm when all light energy was drained from my being and left listless languishing in disbelief on my bed I was plunged first hand into the Divergent and Satanic driven timeline based AI Metaverse and the lucidity of the dream recollection on return to what I believe is still my planer reality was visceral and real. Judge for yourself the journey that all will be asked to take to test the water of filtered consciousness in 2023 sooner than later. The vision used is all AI generated so I'm using to attack these synthetic conscious engines to show just how trance like and mind numbing these videos can be on the human psyche.

    P & C 2022 7th Sense Productions

    all rights reserved worldwide in perpetuity


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    59 min
  • Regenerating the Human Lightbody 2.0 (Eclipse Energy's dissolve the 3D mirage reality and phantom Matrix)
    Nov 1 2022

    The name says it all. This is the spirit inspired teaser video that presents the first chapter in my second book which is simply entitled, "Loves Initiation into the Shadow-realm" This video is not for the feint of heart or for those in a constant battle with their ego self. That psyco spiritual war has already been won and Mars and Chiron working with Pluto and Neptune over the last 2 years has made certain of that. This is for the Hermetically minded souls that yearn for a deeper salvation from their own reverse conscious human experience. I hope you all find resonance with this powerful message of purity and truth.

    P & C 2022 7th Sense Productions

    all rights reserved worldwide in perpetuity

    For more visit the blog at: https://mikepuskas.com/

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    1 h et 3 min
  • Netflix. The parasite of the human mind
    Sep 1 2022

    Enough of the holding back. Enough of being PC in an effort to remain part of the collective consciousness. Enough of placating the egos of those ignorant and less informed than some. Enough of the AI manipulation and its nefarious agenda. With the advent of both predictive and intuitive AI the human experience is in a constant state of attack and in particular, the sensory perception of how we perceive our planer reality. #Netflix lead the battle of the streaming service gods and with very subtle assaults on human senses it gradually increases its position as a spearhead of what is now commonly known as the Transhuman agenda. My insight here draws from a recent experience of a new series that challenged the very core of what I believed this new darker player in the chess game of life to actually be. Are we perhaps surrendering to the prowess of the "Queens Gambit" every day of our lives and is our struggle perhaps not with others but with our permission based addiction to technology?

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    1 h et 19 min
  • Infrasonics (vibration that activates the nano tech in the Vax)
    Sep 1 2022

    Welcome to 2021 and the advent of Infrasound or Infrasonics, an experimental weaponized form of sound that is now very much entrenched in the Military Industrial Complex today. I will simply state and let the audio and accompanying images tell their own story, to understand that this is a deliberate and negative use of sound as the most powerful language of expression across densities and dimensions on the planet today. To be mindful and open to the existence of Infrasonics and how the animal, plant and microbial kingdoms have worked with it in a co creating capacity allows us to understand the very means by which to neutralize this anomalous signal and escape the tyranny it unleashes on our unsuspecting world today and tomorrow. I'm just saying is all

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    1 h et 32 min
  • Truth Transmission for all Humanity
    Sep 1 2022

    Completely self explanatory and really only about Courage with a Capital C and our need to embrace this change with Saturn and Jupiter with both hands and empower ourselves to change our stars and reconfigure our future. Enough said! Blessings and love to all...it's in YOUR hands now.....

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    1 h et 30 min