This week, host Jorden Guth is joined by the SoundStage! Network’s Joseph Taylor, Jason Thorpe, and Dennis Burger to discuss records and turntables, from the perspective of two old pros and one recent convert to the format.
“A Vinyl-Apathist’s Quest for His Perfect First Turntable” by Dennis Burger:
“Confessions of a Recent Vinyl Convert” by Dennis Burger:
“Record Store Day and Vinyl Culture” by Joseph Taylor:
“Read the Instructions! The Perils of Cartridge Setup” by Jason Thorpe:
Chapters: 00:00:00 Announcement 00:00:31 Introductions 00:15:01 Tea ceremony for music 00:26:39 Music Break: "Homecoming" by Rex Banner 00:27:27 How much difference do cartridges make? 00:36:34 The psychology of sound quality 01:03:08 "Afternoon Dissection" by Chameleon Treat