Well, my health issues from last week were resolved by emergency gallbladder removal surgery! I've been recovering at home this week. Now that my health is sorted out, I plan to continue with my once weekly updates on Sundays/Mondays depending on the week. Thank you all for your continued support!
You may have noticed that I have a new logo! It was designed and created by the extremely talented @Ladykenz347 who can be found here: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/ladykenz347
I got a Ko-Fi page! If you are able, please support my work! https://ko-fi.com/dramioneaudiofics
Rated E for explicit, find the full, written version here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15153092/chapters/35140268
All You Want Cover art done by Nadia Polyakova https://nadiapolyakova.tumblr.com/post/625013344288522240/then-there-washermione-wasnt-sure-it-was-like-a