This weekly podcast comes to you from Veritas Psychology Partners, Dr. Dan Kessler and Dr. Gayle MacBride. Your host selects a conversation from the internet forums that neither psychology has heard or read before, and they give their unrehearsed, unvarnished opinions--essentially answering the question, "just who is the asshole here?" The host brings in feedback from internet commentors to round out the discussion, and we close out each episode with a bonus conversation about what ever happens to be on their mind. Sometimes something from their mailbag.
In this episode, the question is: "Am I the a**hole for returning my wife's handmade gift and buying what I really wanted?"
In the episode, Gayle and Dan referenced: Cindy Chan and Cassie Mogilner's study: "Experiential Gifts Foster Stronger Social Relationships than Material Gifts" (,capacity%20to%20strengthen%20the%20relationship) And if you'd like to schedule an appointment with either of our psychologists, visit:
Otherwise, our team can be found at: Dr. Dan Kessler at: @drdankessler Dr. Gayle MacBride at: @drgmacbride Kelley Buttrick at: Michael MacBride at: Thanks for listening and/or watching!