A shocking 60% of commercial baby foods on the shelves of US grocery stores fail to meet accepted international nutritional guidelines set by the World Health Organization. This wakeup call comes from the researchers at Australias’s George Institute for Global Health and North Carolina’s Gillings Global School of Public Health.
The investigators analyzed 651 products. Not only were the majority of these foods nutritionally deficient, especially the snack-sized packages, but also not one of the products met the standards set for factual promotion. Every product had at least one prohibited claim on its package, and some products displayed as many as 11 bogus claims.
All of these baby foods are sold in the top 10 grocery/supermarket chains across the United States and are widely accessible to parents and other caregivers. This study underscores the urgent need for improved regulations on infant and toddler food labeling and nutritional content.
Given the current political environment, all I can add is “buyer beware!” Better yet, create your own baby foods from wholesome ingredients. If you buy commercial, review those package labels with a fine-tooth comb. Remember too that those ubiquitous baby food pouches are plastic. Do you really want to bombard your baby with microplastic particles. Oh, by the way, these pouches also contain toxic heavy metals.
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