Members of the High Signal community ask Tom questions about growing EmailOctopus to a 7 figure business.
00:00 Intro from Pete about Tom and EmailOctopus
00:41 Pete: Should indie hackers compete on price?
06:05 Pete: How would you grow EmailOctopus if you were starting today?
11:18 Val: Why is pricing based on users and not usage?
15:48 Tom: What is the next big feature email marketing companies will add?
19:49 Andrew: What's something you've struggled to overcome / not overcome?
26:34 Karim: What's the secret to the longevity of EmailOctopus?
30:26 Pete: Do you have advice for SaaS companies on how to work with influencers?
34:44 Tom talks about free mentoring he does with founders
37:26 Outro
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Forthcoming AMAs are with Alex West of CyberLeads and Kyle Gawley of Gravity. Past guests included Arvid Kahl and Alex from Veed.