Aubrey's Boxing Experience:
- Attended her coach's professional boxing match, her first-ever pro fight.
- Describes the intensity of 3-minute rounds and the brutal nature of the sport.
- Insight into weight cuts and the physical toll on fighters.
Book Talk -- Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere:
- Peter finishes The Lost Metal and prepares for Wind and Truth by watching a 3-hour recap video.
- Aubrey finishes Wind and Truth and dives into The Sunlit Man, discussing the interconnectedness of the Cosmere.
- Both discuss Tress of the Emerald Sea and how it serves as a great entry point to Sanderson's universe.
Epic Systems Campus Tour:
- Aubrey shares her visit to Epic Systems' whimsical and surreal campus in Madison, Wisconsin.
- Descriptions of themed buildings (Wizarding, Alice in Wonderland, Chocolate Factory) and over-the-top decor.
- The quirky layout includes tunnels, galaxy carpets, and immersive themed environments.
- Peter recalls his experience at Epic, humorously comparing it to a parody of Silicon Valley excess.
Rants on Electronic Medical Records:
- Peter explains his love-hate relationship with Epic as an EMR, likening it to choosing the least bad STD.
- Critiques on how EMRs prioritize billing and coding over patient care.
- Insight into the history of Epic, which started as billing software.
Tech and Science Corner:
- Discussion on Ozempic and Wegovy's impact on elective surgeries due to delayed gastric emptying.
- Aubrey explains a breakthrough in quantum computing with Microsoft's Majorana 1 chip, potentially revolutionizing simulations.
- Peter passionately explains why encryption backdoors are inherently flawed.
- Criticism of UK's request to Apple to implement a global backdoor.