This is our last episode for 2024! (more on that later). Over the last year, I've asked each guest if they have a story to share about a Spirit interaction or Ancestor visitation. We compiled these into 2 episodes. This one is mostly Ancestor visitation with some Spirit encounters sprinkled in. Check out our previous episode for the more Ghost/Spirit centered stories. Each of these guests shared a story they experienced and I shared one as well. It was always a great way to end the afternoon after recording their original episode.
In this episode, we bring back our beautiful guests: (contact info for all guests below)
Brandy GIbson Episode 2; Sacred Mushroom Enchantment
Marlene martin Episode 6; Self Love
Lena Rubin. Episode 8; Cosmic Creator
Amber Muse Padilla Episode 12; Spiritual Art of Tattoo
Join us (AGAIN) around the campfire for some fantastic stories!
Dear listeners,
We want to say a heartfelt THANK YOU for supporting us over the last 20 episodes. We appreciate you sharing your own serendipitous experiences with us while listening to the podcast via Instagram or TikTok messages. If you missed an episode or 2, now is your chance to catch up because we will be taking a break for the rest of 2024. Help us spread the healing, share the podcast please and thank you. A sincere Thank YOU to THE VOID for all the effort and support, time and energy put into this last year of this podcast. It would actually be nothing without you.
See you all in 2025! Happy Healing!
Presenter: Lara is an international Energy Healer for humans and animals. She is also a Sound healer and ThetaHealing Instructor.
Episodes released every other week.
Follow @healinghighswithlara on Tik Tok/IG.
Have a Divine story from your healing journey you'd like to share? Email:
Marlene Martin (Embodied Mindfulness Coach)
IG @marlenemariamartin
Contact Info for Sponsor
Seva Tea
IG @sevatealounge
Guest Contact info: Brandy Gibson (Psychedelic Integration Coach)
Lena Rubin (Personal Transformation Coach and Plant Medicine Integration Specialist)
Amber Muse (Healer and Tattoo Artist)IG: @ambrmuse Her website is on her IG