
  • Episode 67: Rahab
    Sep 16 2024
    Oh miniBFFs season 5 is off and running and we are so excited. We have found this awesome new bible called, The Go Bible, and it has a feature in it called The True Tales of Transformed People. This feature gives a snapshot of a different person from the bible. Each week we will be focusing on one person who has been transformed by God. Didn’t you love learning about Joshua last week?! This week we get to learn all about Rahab! And spoiler alert - she also knew Joshua. Isn’t that so cool?! Rahab was an important part in helping Joshua lead God’s people to the Promised Land. I can’t wait for you to find out in this episode how she was involved! You can also read more about Rahab in the Go Bible on page 269. The Go Bible is a wonderful resource for our miniBFFs. It is a bible that brings the word of God to life through the amazing learning materials packed throughout the bible. It is also written in the NLT version which makes it very readable for our miniBFFs. You can find the Go Bible at your local Barnes and Noble or Books A Million stores, both online or in store. Follow us @minibffclub Subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.
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    8 min
  • Episode 66: Joshua
    Sep 9 2024
    Welcome to Season 5 of Annie’s miniBFF Podcast! We have found this awesome new bible called, The Go Bible, and it has a feature in it called The True Tales of Transformed People. This feature gives a snapshot of a different person from the bible. Each week we will be focusing on one person who has been transformed by God. This week we get to learn all about Joshua! We will hear how he heard from God, how he led the people into the promised land, and how he knew how to be strong through all of it! You can also read more about Joshua in the Go Bible on page 207. The Go Bible is a wonderful resource for our miniBFFs. It is a bible that brings the word of God to life through the amazing learning materials packed throughout the bible. It is also written in the NLT version which makes it very readable for our miniBFFs. You can find the Go Bible at lots of retailers in your area, including Mardel who is offering a 40% discount for a limited time. Follow us on Instagram @minibffclub Subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast so you don't miss any of the fun!
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    8 min
  • Episode 65: Going Home
    Jun 3 2024
    We wrap up our season of the gospels with this beautiful story from the Jesus Storybook Bible. We know that Jesus came back to the disciples to show them that he is alive. But the disciples always knew that he would have to go back to heaven to be with God. Jesus had told the disciples that he was getting a place ready for them and they knew the way to get there. In our story today we get to read all about Jesus reminding the disciples how to find their way to him and teaching us to do the same. This story, Going Home, comes from the Jesus Storybook Bible and can be found on page 318. You can also read more about this story from Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24 and John 14 in the Bible. We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books. Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of Jesus!! Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.
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    7 min
  • Episode 64: Jesus Comes Back
    May 27 2024
    When Jesus was crucified his disciples were so scared that they went off and hid from everyone. They were worried that what happened to Jesus would happen to them too. But there was one person they could not hide from. And that would be Jesus himself! In fact they thought he was a ghost when they first saw him! But he was not a ghost. He was very much alive and ready to help them tell the world all about him. This story, Jesus Comes back, comes from The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and can be found on page 198. You can also read more about this story from Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20 in the Bible. We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books. Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of your favorite meal! Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.
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    6 min
  • Episode 63: The Sun Stops Shining
    May 20 2024
    We know about Easter Sunday but did you know that there is a very important day that comes before Easter? Well, it is called Good Friday. On this day the people who didn’t know Jesus and all the wonderful ways he loved the world, decided that Jesus wasn't allowed to live anymore. Our story today talks about what happened on that day. It can feel really hard to read because it is so hard to think about Jesus being treated so badly. But miniBFFs we know that what happened on Good Friday isn’t how this story ends. This story, The Sun Stops Shining, comes from The Jesus Storybook Bible and can be found on page 302. You can also read more about this story from Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23 John 19 in the Bible. We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books. Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of a cross! Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.
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    6 min
  • Episode 62: God's Wonderful Surprise
    May 13 2024
    What if you went to your friend’s house and you didn’t find your friend, you found a huge angel waiting for you instead?! I mean that would be really cool, a little scary, and super crazy all at the same time. Well, a similar thing happened to some of Jesus’s friends when they went to visit Him at the tomb where He was buried after His crucifixion. We get to learn about it in this episode. This story, God’s Wonderful Surprise, comes from The Jesus Storybook Bible and can be found on page 310. You can also read more about this story from Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20 in the Bible. We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books. Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of the empty tomb! Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.
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    7 min
  • Episode 61: Washed with Tears
    May 6 2024
    When you are done playing outside at the end of each day I bet your feet might be a little stinky? To get those feet cleaned up I bet you would normally use soap and water! Right?! Well guess who else has had stinky feet? Jesus! Yep, minibffs even Jesus’ feet got dirty and He had to have His feet cleaned at the end of the day too!! But in the story we are reading today, He didn't use soap and water to clean His feet. Nope! His feet were cleaned with tears (and a whole jar of perfume) from a woman who had made a lot of mistakes. This story, Washed with Tears, comes from The Jesus Storybook Bible and can be found on page 286. You can also read more about this story from Matthew 26, Mark 14, John 12 in the Bible. We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books. Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of a perfume bottle! Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.
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    7 min
  • Episode 60: Zacchaeus
    Apr 29 2024
    Have you ever been to a parade and had a really hard time being able to see all the excitement passing in front of you? Don’t you just wish there was a way you could make yourself taller?! Well, Zacchaeus had this problem too. He had heard Jesus was coming to town and wanted to see him. But he was so short that the only way he could get a look at his face was to climb a tree!! That part of the story is very fun. But it isn’t my favorite part. No, I like the part where Jesus finds Zacchaeus in the tree. This story, Zacchaeus, comes from The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and can be found on page 168. You can also read more about this story from Luke 19 in the Bible. We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books. Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of a tree! Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.
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    5 min