
  • How To Recognize and Dismantle A Delilah Spirit
    Oct 28 2022
    What is a Delilah Spirit? A seducing, enticing, and weakening spirit, that pesters you daily to annoy and frustrate you until you give in. Judges 16:5 & 6 Seducing messenger Judges 16:16-19 Daily pressures to make you change your mind. It lulls you to sleep, then blinds you spiritually and torments you so you forfeit your God given purpose. Samson was bound with chains and physically blinded – enslaved by compromise. Judges 16:21 When God wants to bless you, He sends a person. When the devil tries to entrap you he also sends a person.   How can you discern if a Delilah spirit is at work? Your “NO” means nothing to others – they persist until they get their wayYou know what God has told you, but you’re tired of the oppositionYou would rather make others happy because of their constant pressure- in turn you deceive yourselfYou leave the house of worship God called you to, because your family does not approve and pesters you about it.There is a slow decline of wanting to please man more than God. What are some other clues a Delilah spirit is at work? Your identity is wrapped in your gift and pride becomes your downfallGifting is more important than character to you and being seen by man is elevated above the God who sees you. Compromise, deception, and pride give access to the spirit of Delilah – which leads to death. Samson had a call on his life, but he was full of compromise. With such a strong beginning of an angel announcing his birth, to leaving a legacy of compromise and moral weakness. If a Delilah spirit is at work in your life, its goal is to weaken you to compromise. For more information, please visit www.cathycoppola.org or www.houseofglorychurch.org   When the power of God invades the power of darkness, miracles happen!    House of Glory Lake Forest, Ca. 23732 Birtcher Dr. Lake Forest, CA 92630   Visit www.cathycoppola.org Visit www.houseofglorychurch.org   Connect with us! Website:  www.cathycoppola.org Website:  www.mwbn.tv YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMfDz8BXL2UJJ3K4jG1pa5w Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApostleCathyCoppola Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cathycoppolaministries/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ApostleCoppola   Pick up a copy of her three books at: From Grief to Glory https://www.amazon.com/Grief-Glory-Fire-Adversity-Love/dp/1931820287/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3P0LU77NMF1BA&dchild=1&keywords=From+grief+to+glory+cathy+coppola&qid=1635295646&qsid=137-4971255-1201949&sprefix=from+grief+to+glory+cathy+coppol%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-2&sres=1672467659%2C1931820287%2CB099VMT8VZ%2C1736648004%2CB08HRJ1FNG%2CB0939LQQ54%2CB008FD8ETS%2CB08Y5YFYD9%2CB07MBH96DB%2CB078K93HFD%2CB08JRG6XG7%2CB07KRMZZZ6%2CB094RB8GGD%2CB003OSSKWK%2CB08T5Y2J8F%2CB08M9DZLDV&srpt=ABIS_BOOK   Devil Get Your Hands Off! https://www.amazon.com/Devil-GET-YOUR-HANDS-OFF/dp/1530872081/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NMW0BF86585E&dchild=1&keywords=Devil+get+your+hands+off&qid=1635295580&qsid=137-4971255-1201949&sprefix=devil+get+your+hands+off%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-1&sres=1530872081%2C080784926X%2CB00HVF7OJM%2C1540856437%2C1455539597%2C0307987698%2C1942934106%2CB07F6N3RT6%2CB078YZ586K%2CB084281952%2CB015G0F03U%2CB07S2Z9433%2CB07VWL357N%2CB00WSWGVZQ%2CB079QYYGF1%2CB01N22CM3F   Get Up And Lead! Dynamic Downloads for Leadership https://www.amazon.com/Get-Up-Lead-Downloads-Leadership/dp/B08RR9KXT2/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=get+up+and+lead+cathy+coppola&qid=1635295446&qsid=137-4971255-1201949&sr=8-1&sres=B08RDMB2FR&srpt=ABIS_BOOK
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    34 min
  • Every Christian Should Cast Out Demons
    Oct 7 2022
    It was for freedom that Christ set us free. Therefore, keep standing firm and do not subject yourself again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 The Bible is clear that casting out demons is biblical- and every believer should do this. Mark 16:17 I believe casting out demons is an elementary teaching, a basic teaching every believer should have. As mature believers we should know how to live demon free, not just how to cast a demon out. This topic should not create a big hype as if it wasn’t modeled by our Lord Jesus. He consistently cast out demons. We should too! More importantly, we should graduate to living a life without being under the influence of a demon. Live your life sold out to Jesus, filled with the power of God that demons recognize you and tremble in your presence. Don’t be deceived into always looking for a demon to cast out. Live your life right before God – opportunities abound when you are sold out to Christ. Maturity in your walk is needed – not hype - Eph. 4:14-15 Learn to wage a good warfare- having faith and a good conscience. Don’t find yourself shipwrecked in faith. 1 Tim. 1:18 & 19 Gal. 3:1-6 O foolish Galatians who has bewitched you. Deliverance is children’s bread – in other words deliverance and casting out demons belongs to the children of God. Matt. 15:21-28 The mother whose daughter was severely demon possessed was delivered of demons and healed because the mother had great faith. Matt. 15:28 Your effectiveness in casting out demons is dependent upon your walk of obedience and the person’s willingness to be set free, the same is true of healing. For more information, please visit www.cathycoppola.org or www.houseofglorychurch.org When the power of God invades the power of darkness, miracles happen!    House of Glory Lake Forest, Ca. 23732 Birtcher Dr. Lake Forest, CA 92630   Visit www.cathycoppola.org Visit www.houseofglorychurch.org   Connect with us! Website:  www.cathycoppola.org Website:  www.mwbn.tv YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMfDz8BXL2UJJ3K4jG1pa5w   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApostleCathyCoppola Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cathycoppolaministries/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ApostleCoppola   Pick up a copy of her three books at: From Grief to Glory Devil Get Your Hands Off! Get Up And Lead! Dynamic Downloads for Leadership
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    28 min
  • If the Mountain Isn’t Moving…
    Oct 5 2022

    If The Mountain Isn’t Moving… The key to moving mountains is simple, yet sometimes goes unnoticed and unused.
    Frustration sets in when you know your Biblical rights, but don’t see them coming to pass in your life. Why is your
    prayer life not moving those mountains? Join Apostle Cathy Coppola on this powerful teaching.

    Related Teachings:

    How To Recognize and Dismantle a Jezebel Spirit

    For more information visit our websites at www.cathycoppola.org.
    When the power of God invades the power of darkness, miracles happen!

    House of Glory
    Lake Forest, Ca.
    23732 Birtcher Dr. Lake Forest, CA 92630
    Connect with us!

    Website: www.cathycoppola.org

    Website: www.mwbn.tv

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMfDz8BXL2UJJ3K4jG1pa5w

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApostleCathyCoppola

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cathycoppolaministries/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/ApostleCoppola

    Pick up a copy of her three books at:

    From Grief to Glory

    Devil Get Your Hands Off!

    Get Up And Lead! Dynamic Downloads for Leadership

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    28 min
  • How To Recognize and Dismantle a Jezebel Spirit
    Jul 29 2022

    Elijah: My God is Jehovah

    Ahab: Wicked mind, married to wicked Jezebel who had built a temple and an altar to Baal for idol worship and sacrifice.

    1 Kings 17:3-6

    What did the Jezebel spirit do to Elijah?

    Discouraged him, fatigued him and sent confusion to him. 1 Kings 19:1-4

    If you are constantly feeling discouraged, drained, confused, wanting to isolate, frustrated, depressed, and wanting to quit, know that the Jezebel spirit is trying to destroy your walk to steal from you all you have gained.

    Elijah went into a cave and isolated himself and the Lord said to him 2 times. “Elijah what are you doing here?”

    From that time on began his transition out of his God given position and appointed the prophet Elisha in his place.

    1 Kings 19:16

    Don't let the Jezebel spirit destroy your life.

    Listen to  this teaching and dismantle the Jezebel spirit working against you.

    For more information visit our websites at www.cathycoppola.org.

    When the power of God invades the power of darkness, miracles happen!   

    House of Glory

    Lake Forest, Ca.

    23732 Birtcher Dr. Lake Forest, CA 92630


    Connect with us!

    Website:  www.cathycoppola.org

    Website:  www.mwbn.tv

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMfDz8BXL2UJJ3K4jG1pa5w

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApostleCathyCoppola

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cathycoppolaministries/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/ApostleCoppola


    Pick up a copy of her three books at:

    From Grief to Glory

    Devil Get Your Hands Off!

    Get Up And Lead! Dynamic Downloads for Leadership


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    28 min
  • War for This Generation
    Jul 27 2022

    Generations of kids are silently crying out for your attentiveness to prayer on their behalf!

    They may not be asking with words, but they are crying out with ungodly behavior.

    They are shouting out for help with every form of outrageous marring, destruction, and self-affliction they do to their bodies.

    We must stand in the gap for this generation and pray like never before.

    We must stand on the Word of God and intercede for the lives of our youth.

    Their souls are in the balance.

    Will you join me in praying for this generation? We are called by God to do so.

    For more information visit our websites at www.cathycoppola.org.

    When the power of God invades the power of darkness, miracles happen!   

    House of Glory

    Lake Forest, Ca.

    23732 Birtcher Dr. Lake Forest, CA 92630


    Connect with us!

    Website:  www.cathycoppola.org

    Website:  www.mwbn.tv

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMfDz8BXL2UJJ3K4jG1pa5w

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApostleCathyCoppola

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cathycoppolaministries/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/ApostleCoppola


    Pick up a copy of her three books at:

    From Grief to Glory

    Devil Get Your Hands Off!

    Get Up And Lead! Dynamic Downloads for Leadership


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    20 min
  • Are You Walking in Unusual Miracles?
    Jul 8 2022
    God is not confined to doing the things that are explainable. Acts 19:11 & 12 – Unusual Miracles by the hand of Paul Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them, and the evil spirits went out of them. Women with issue of blood for 12 years healed at one touch Matthew 9:20 And suddenly, a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of His garment. Matthew 9:22 “Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And the woman was made well from that hour.   We love to hear from our partners. Also, as a gift to you we are offering a video teaching titled, “How to Not Lose Your Healing.” To receive your gift, simply visit our website at www.cathycoppola.org and fill out the form with your name and email and you will receive your free teaching. For more information visit our websites at www.cathycoppola.org. When the power of God invades the power of darkness, miracles happen!   House of Glory Lake Forest, Ca. 23732 Birtcher Dr. Lake Forest, CA 92630   Visit www.cathycoppola.org Visit  www.houseofglorychurch.org Connect with us! Website:  www.cathycoppola.org Website:  www.mwbn.tv YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMfDz8BXL2UJJ3K4jG1pa5w Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApostleCathyCoppola Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cathycoppolaministries/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ApostleCoppola Pick up a copy of her three books at: From Grief to Glory https://www.amazon.com/Grief-Glory-Fire-Adversity-Love/dp/1931820287/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3P0LU77NMF1BA&dchild=1&keywords=From+grief+to+glory+cathy+coppola&qid=1635295646&qsid=137-4971255-1201949&sprefix=from+grief+to+glory+cathy+coppol%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-2&sres=1672467659%2C1931820287%2CB099VMT8VZ%2C1736648004%2CB08HRJ1FNG%2CB0939LQQ54%2CB008FD8ETS%2CB08Y5YFYD9%2CB07MBH96DB%2CB078K93HFD%2CB08JRG6XG7%2CB07KRMZZZ6%2CB094RB8GGD%2CB003OSSKWK%2CB08T5Y2J8F%2CB08M9DZLDV&srpt=ABIS_BOOK Devil Get Your Hands Off! https://www.amazon.com/Devil-GET-YOUR-HANDS-OFF/dp/1530872081/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NMW0BF86585E&dchild=1&keywords=Devil+get+your+hands+off&qid=1635295580&qsid=137-4971255-1201949&sprefix=devil+get+your+hands+off%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-1&sres=1530872081%2C080784926X%2CB00HVF7OJM%2C1540856437%2C1455539597%2C0307987698%2C1942934106%2CB07F6N3RT6%2CB078YZ586K%2CB084281952%2CB015G0F03U%2CB07S2Z9433%2CB07VWL357N%2CB00WSWGVZQ%2CB079QYYGF1%2CB01N22CM3F Get Up And Lead! Dynamic Downloads for Leadership https://www.amazon.com/Get-Up-Lead-Downloads-Leadership/dp/B08RR9KXT2/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=get+up+and+lead+cathy+coppola&qid=1635295446&qsid=137-4971255-1201949&sr=8-1&sres=B08RDMB2FR&srpt=ABIS_BOOK  
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    26 min
  • From a Deceiver to a Seeker!
    Jul 7 2022
    God is looking for a generation who is ready to end the old ways of rebellion and truly seek the Lord with all their heart. A Jacob generation is what the Lord is looking for. How is anyone’s heart changed from the old to the new? By seeking the Lord with all your heart from a right motive. A Jacob generation marks a people with a change of heart. Jacob was marked with a new beginning when God changed his name from Jacob to Israel. When Jacob sought after God in his time of need and prevailed in prayer, the answer came. Seeking His face is desiring a deeper relationship with the Lord. Ps. 24:5-6 Those who seek His face shall receive a blessing from Him. This promise shows the heart of our Lord, “Come to Me for I have great blessings in store for you.” We must come with the right heart motive. A motive that is utterly dependent and desperate for all of Him, His leading in your life and a total surrender to His ways and not your own. Jacob was coming to settle in the Promised Land when he received news that his estranged brother Esau was coming to attack him with 400 men. Jacob sought the Lord all night and prevailed. That was his new beginning! At that moment the Lord changed his name from Jacob or “Heel Catcher” to Israel, “One who prevails with God.”   We love to hear from our partners. Also, as a gift to you we are offering a video teaching titled, “How to Not Lose Your Healing.” To receive your gift, simply visit our website at www.cathycoppola.org and fill out the form with your name and email and you will receive your free teaching.   For more information visit our websites at www.cathycoppola.org. When the power of God invades the power of darkness, miracles happen!   House of Glory Lake Forest, Ca. 23732 Birtcher Dr. Lake Forest, CA 92630   Visit www.cathycoppola.org Visit  www.houseofglorychurch.org   Connect with us! Website:  www.cathycoppola.org Website:  www.mwbn.tv YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMfDz8BXL2UJJ3K4jG1pa5w Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApostleCathyCoppola Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cathycoppolaministries/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ApostleCoppola   Pick up a copy of her three books at: From Grief to Glory https://www.amazon.com/Grief-Glory-Fire-Adversity-Love/dp/1931820287/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3P0LU77NMF1BA&dchild=1&keywords=From+grief+to+glory+cathy+coppola&qid=1635295646&qsid=137-4971255-1201949&sprefix=from+grief+to+glory+cathy+coppol%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-2&sres=1672467659%2C1931820287%2CB099VMT8VZ%2C1736648004%2CB08HRJ1FNG%2CB0939LQQ54%2CB008FD8ETS%2CB08Y5YFYD9%2CB07MBH96DB%2CB078K93HFD%2CB08JRG6XG7%2CB07KRMZZZ6%2CB094RB8GGD%2CB003OSSKWK%2CB08T5Y2J8F%2CB08M9DZLDV&srpt=ABIS_BOOK Devil Get Your Hands Off! https://www.amazon.com/Devil-GET-YOUR-HANDS-OFF/dp/1530872081/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NMW0BF86585E&dchild=1&keywords=Devil+get+your+hands+off&qid=1635295580&qsid=137-4971255-1201949&sprefix=devil+get+your+hands+off%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-1&sres=1530872081%2C080784926X%2CB00HVF7OJM%2C1540856437%2C1455539597%2C0307987698%2C1942934106%2CB07F6N3RT6%2CB078YZ586K%2CB084281952%2CB015G0F03U%2CB07S2Z9433%2CB07VWL357N%2CB00WSWGVZQ%2CB079QYYGF1%2CB01N22CM3F   Get Up And Lead! Dynamic Downloads for Leadership https://www.amazon.com/Get-Up-Lead-Downloads-Leadership/dp/B08RR9KXT2/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=get+up+and+lead+cathy+coppola&qid=1635295446&qsid=137-4971255-1201949&sr=8-1&sres=B08RDMB2FR&srpt=ABIS_BOOK  
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    29 min
  • Crippled by a Fall Restored by a Covenant
    Jul 6 2022
    Both Saul and Jonathan were killed in battle. David did not forget his covenant with Jonathan and asked is there anyone left from the house of Jonathan who I may honor? 2 Sam.4:4 Mephibosheth was 5 years old, when Saul his grandfather and Jonathan his father had died in battle. His nurse took Mephibosheth and fled. As she made haste to flee, Mephibosheth fell and became lame. Mephibosheth means man of shame. David kept true to his covenant of kindness and friendship. 2 Sam 9:3-13 David showed mercy to Mephibosheth. A prototype of our Lord who redeems, restores, and returns us to our Father’s table in peace. Lo Debar means no pasture, no communication, land of nothing! David’s kindness must have overwhelmed any fear Mephibosheth may have had of David who was in the position his family was at one time as king. Yet David did not treat Mephibosheth as a prisoner of war but was faithful to keep his covenant he made with Jonathan. Mephibosheth, man of shame was in Lo Debar- land of nothing! But the Lord raised him up to sit at the Kings table for the rest of his life. He was provided for! We came in sin and emptiness and received the gift of salvation and entered a covenant relationship with Jesus! We have been invited to sit at His table even in the presence of our enemies!   We love to hear from our partners. Also, as a gift to you we are offering a video teaching titled, “How to Not Lose Your Healing.” To receive your gift, simply visit our website at www.cathycoppola.org and fill out the form with your name and email and you will receive your free teaching. For more information visit our websites at www.cathycoppola.org. When the power of God invades the power of darkness, miracles happen!   House of Glory Lake Forest, Ca. 23732 Birtcher Dr. Lake Forest, CA 92630   Visit www.cathycoppola.org Visit  www.houseofglorychurch.org Connect with us! Website:  www.cathycoppola.org Website:  www.mwbn.tv YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMfDz8BXL2UJJ3K4jG1pa5w Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApostleCathyCoppola Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cathycoppolaministries/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ApostleCoppola Pick up a copy of her three books at: From Grief to Glory https://www.amazon.com/Grief-Glory-Fire-Adversity-Love/dp/1931820287/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3P0LU77NMF1BA&dchild=1&keywords=From+grief+to+glory+cathy+coppola&qid=1635295646&qsid=137-4971255-1201949&sprefix=from+grief+to+glory+cathy+coppol%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-2&sres=1672467659%2C1931820287%2CB099VMT8VZ%2C1736648004%2CB08HRJ1FNG%2CB0939LQQ54%2CB008FD8ETS%2CB08Y5YFYD9%2CB07MBH96DB%2CB078K93HFD%2CB08JRG6XG7%2CB07KRMZZZ6%2CB094RB8GGD%2CB003OSSKWK%2CB08T5Y2J8F%2CB08M9DZLDV&srpt=ABIS_BOOK Devil Get Your Hands Off! https://www.amazon.com/Devil-GET-YOUR-HANDS-OFF/dp/1530872081/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NMW0BF86585E&dchild=1&keywords=Devil+get+your+hands+off&qid=1635295580&qsid=137-4971255-1201949&sprefix=devil+get+your+hands+off%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-1&sres=1530872081%2C080784926X%2CB00HVF7OJM%2C1540856437%2C1455539597%2C0307987698%2C1942934106%2CB07F6N3RT6%2CB078YZ586K%2CB084281952%2CB015G0F03U%2CB07S2Z9433%2CB07VWL357N%2CB00WSWGVZQ%2CB079QYYGF1%2CB01N22CM3F   Get Up And Lead! Dynamic Downloads for Leadership https://www.amazon.com/Get-Up-Lead-Downloads-Leadership/dp/B08RR9KXT2/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=get+up+and+lead+cathy+coppola&qid=1635295446&qsid=137-4971255-1201949&sr=8-1&sres=B08RDMB2FR&srpt=ABIS_BOOK  
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    26 min