Do you believe that you can turn an idea into a reality or do you think that mindset is “woo-woo”? Do we have limiting beliefs or do we know how to co-create to make our beliefs become reality? Being a believer of “it’s not if but when” might feel like a new belief system for you and that’s why this episode has popped up in your feed!
Have you ever done a vision board, penciled your desires in a journal or written down your work goals? If you have, then you are a manifester and you just didn’t know it! Asking for what you want and what you desire, then handing it over and allowing things to unfold the way they intended is a beautiful practice and it costs you nothing, so try it!
Listen closely to the end of the episode for a fun exercise you can try while listening and don’t forget to send us your manifestation stories, we’d love to hear them!
Curious about this episode’s favorite thing? Click here to check out Dawn’s favorite meditation cushion!
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