
  • Armed and Nerded Episode 018 Interview With Langley Outdoors
    Oct 30 2023

    In this episode we interview Langley Outdoors Academy, A second amendment news channel who has been making big moves to change the way second amendment advocacy happens.

    The post Armed and Nerded Episode 018 Interview With Langley Outdoors appeared first on Firearms Radio Network.

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    1 h et 20 min
  • Armed and Nerded 017: Interview with Mark Serbu
    Aug 16 2023
    The RN-50 was popularized because it is a cost effective 50 BMG that the common man can actually afford and not have to go on a strict diet of Rahman Noodles. There was an incident a few years ago involving Scott from Kentucky Ballistics, where one of these firearms suffered a catastrophic failure, injuring Scott. Mark Serbu joins me to discuss the findings of the investigation into what actually happened.
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    1 h et 5 min
  • Armed and Nerded-016 Your Weird Questions
    Jul 30 2023
    Questions answered from the audience. Today we touch on zero distances, cleaning methods, what your mom likes and why it burns when you pee. Full list of topics below
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    55 min
  • Armed and Nerded Episode 015: The Anti-Gun Control Playbook
    Jul 2 2023
    In today's episode we are going to go over the legal precedents that are being used by organizations like GOA, FPC, SAF, to fight for our rights in the courts against the antigun status quo.
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    38 min
  • Armed And Nerded 014- Why I Hate the Beach
    Jun 7 2023

    I was recently on vacation and we had an incident that reinforces that the beach is a bad situation for everyone except predators.

    The post Armed And Nerded 014- Why I Hate the Beach appeared first on Firearms Radio Network.

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    47 min
  • Armed and Nerded 013- 7 Fantasy Novels You Should Read
    May 21 2023

    A lot of what I do in the real world is very technical. In my spare time, when I'm not working or spending time with my friends and family I like to escape. That escape can take many forms; however, often times I turn to audio books and reading to find it. These novels have been great for that, but I think that each of them holds a greater significance on how I interpret the world around me. I am going to discuss each of them and give you a primmer on why you should pick it up. Even if you aren't a nerd.

    The post Armed and Nerded 013- 7 Fantasy Novels You Should Read appeared first on Firearms Radio Network.

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    59 min
  • Armed and Nerded 012- How to Buy a Gun in America
    May 8 2023
    Today's episode is about the highly regulated process of buying a firearm in the United states. Even if you are an avid gun enthusiast you might learn something today.
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    43 min
  • Armed and Nerded 011 – Intro to Bee Keeping
    Apr 27 2023
    I recently started my own hives; However, I have been helping out with a few for about a year now. I'm going to walk you through a basic introduction to bee keeping and help you decide if its something you might want to consider.
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    55 min