
  • 019 /// Why New Year's Resolutions Work for Some but Not for Others
    Jan 2 2025
    Episode 19 - New Year's Resolutions People generally have a love/hate relationship with New Year’s Resolutions. Some people despise them and swear they don’t work. And then there’s people like me...I love New Year’s Resolutions. Actually, I just love new beginnings and fresh starts and New Year’s is an intentional time to do that, although we can do that any time of the day, week, month, or year. But I love New Year’s Resolutions because, for me, they work! And I believe they work because I don’t set out for them to be goals. Meaning, I don’t have a list of get ‘er done objectives as my resolutions that are subject to quantifiable measures. (For the most part, anyway. I did in 2023 to finish my Loud Is Not a Language book, though.) Instead, I have intentions I know will change me and change those around me for the better if I lean into them on a regular basis and evaluate how those things are showing up in all I am and do. These are intentions to live by that will change me and impact those around me. In other words, I incorporate the practice of a desired quality, which can have far reaching effects vs. behavior for a desired outcome, which has limited effect. In this episode, I am so excited to share with you how I create resolutions I am EXCITED to finish. And you can, too. Learn how to:
    • Ask the right questions to help you determine the right resolution for you - the one you will be excited to finish
    • Discover the motives for your resolutions–and perhaps why those were the reasons resolutions didn’t work out well in the past
    • Develop a plan that will carry you across the finish line and beyond in growing you and those around you
    I welcome you to join me Around the Table today as we discuss how YOUR resolutions can change YOU. --------------- Brenda is a Texas girl who loves God and people and big skies and great coffee. She is a believer in impossible possibilities. In brokenness becoming beautiful. In justice and mercy and honor and power–with love perfecting them all. She is a wife, mom, mimi, daughter, and friend. She is also a speaker, author, mediator, and coach...helping people discover, embrace, and live out their God-given superpowers. Check out the websites: https://loudisnotalanguage.com/ https://brendaharkins.com/ Follow on socials: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/ Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/ Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/ Check out the other shows from KB PODCAST PRODUCTIONS: Kingdom Bringer Podcast with Darin Eubanks Next Level Podcast with Michael McIntyre Super-Natural Living with Beth Packard The Well Life Podcast Fan the Flame Podcast with Scott Tilley
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    25 min
  • 018 /// Authenticity and Attachments
    Nov 21 2024

    Episode 18 - Authenticity and Attachments

    In keeping with the theme of restoring, healing, and/or strengthening our relationships, especially in this world of uncertainty and extreme differences, this episode challenges you to take a look at the two things mental health professionals tend to agree on as the most important factors for our growth as a person:



    We all need connection with others. We are wired for that from the time we are born. Babies crave the attunement of their mothers and fathers. They take joy in knowing they are an important part of their world. And as we grow, that desire doesn’t lessen. But the circle grows. We have more opportunity for more attachments, but at what expense? Research shows that most people will sacrifice their authenticity to have the attachments they most want or feel they most need. What does that do to our identity? To the person God designed us to be for a purpose? I welcome you to join me Around the Table today as we discuss Authenticity and Attachments!


    Brenda is a Texas girl who loves God and people and big skies and great coffee. She is a believer in impossible possibilities. In brokenness becoming beautiful. In justice and mercy and honor and power–with love perfecting them all. She is a wife, mom, mimi, daughter, and friend. She is also a speaker, author, mediator, and coach...helping people discover, embrace, and live out their God-given superpowers.

    Check out the websites:



    Follow on socials:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/

    Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/

    Check out the other shows from KB PODCAST PRODUCTIONS:

    Kingdom Bringer Podcast with Darin Eubanks

    Next Level Podcast with Michael McIntyre

    Super-Natural Living with Beth Packard

    The Well Life Podcast

    Fan the Flame Podcast with Scott Tilley

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    12 min
  • 017 /// Love or Fear
    Nov 7 2024

    Episode17 - Love or Fear

    Every thought we have can be traced back to a root of either love or fear. Research from neuroscience continues to prove this fact.Fear keeps us disconnected, shaken, and bent on avoiding pain. Love keeps us connected, peaceful and desiring truth despite the pain. Wherever you are sending tumult — whether from your family, your personal relationships, your work situation, the election or a transition you are in... you have a choice where to ground your thoughts. Love or fear. In this episode, I share with you:

    • How to stay steady even when the world around you isn’t
    • How to determine where you are rooted
    • What a healthy connection is
    • How those healthy connections are essential for healthy communities

    I invite you to listen and be encouraged that you don’t have to stay in fear. You don’t have to be shaken. You can be grounded and steady, whatever is going on around you, and you can help others do the same. YOU can make the difference that is so needed in our world. Stay in love.


    Brenda is a Texas girl who loves God and people and big skies and great coffee. She is a believer in impossible possibilities. In brokenness becoming beautiful. In justice and mercy and honor and power–with love perfecting them all. She is a wife, mom, mimi, daughter, and friend. She is also a speaker, author, mediator, and coach...helping people discover, embrace, and live out their God-given superpowers.

    Check out the websites:



    Follow on socials:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/

    Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/

    Check out the other shows from KB PODCAST PRODUCTIONS:

    Kingdom Bringer Podcast with Darin Eubanks

    Next Level Podcast with Michael McIntyre

    Super-Natural Living with Beth Packard

    The Well Life Podcast

    Fan the Flame Podcast with Scott Tilley

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    8 min
  • 016 /// Two Opposing Realities : Let Your Voice Be Heard
    Oct 17 2024
    Episode 16 - Two Opposing Realities: Let Your Voice Be Heard There is a very real phenomenon of two opposing realities. Darkness and Light. Truth and Lies. Fear and Love. These realities are everywhere. We are in a time where your voice is needed to speak to these realities. Your experiences matter. And your experience is needed to help someone else shift to the best reality. Learning to share your experience effectively is the key to greater influence. Many people are shouting what they believe is right or wrong. And the only ones listening are those who agree with them anyway. How many are sharing their experiences in ways where they are more widely heard? In this episode I share with you:
    • The importance of recognizing God’s reality
    • The authority – and necessity – of your voice.
    • How to communicate your views more effectively
    I invite you to listen and be encouraged that YOU can make a difference. You don’t have to wait for someone else to do what you feel is needed. Your experience is your business card. It’s your qualification. And it is enough.


    Brenda is a Texas girl who loves God and people and big skies and great coffee. She is a believer in impossible possibilities. In brokenness becoming beautiful. In justice and mercy and honor and power–with love perfecting them all. She is a wife, mom, mimi, daughter, and friend. She is also a speaker, author, mediator, and coach...helping people discover, embrace, and live out their God-given superpowers.

    Check out the websites:



    Follow on socials:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/

    Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/

    Check out the other shows from KB PODCAST PRODUCTIONS:

    Kingdom Bringer Podcast with Darin Eubanks

    Next Level Podcast with Michael McIntyre

    Super-Natural Living with Beth Packard

    The Well Life Podcast

    Fan the Flame Podcast with Scott Tilley

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    21 min
  • 015 /// Are We People or Issues?
    Oct 3 2024
    Episode 15 - Are We People or Issues? Different perspectives. Different beliefs. Different values. We become enemies over these. But what if we didn’t? Jesus didn’t share the same perspectives, beliefs, and values as all those He loved. All those He broke bread with. All those He sat with and talked within their homes. All those He was criticized for loving by the religious leaders. When we lay down the need to be right, we get to love bigger. This doesn’t change our theology. It doesn’t change our beliefs or values. It changes how well we love. It changes the impact of our influence. I am excited for you to meet Matt and Narcely. Two unlikely friends who have figured out that: - People are more than their platforms. - Relationships take priority over issues. - Differences need not be weaponized. If life feels really heavy in this political season...If you would like to laugh a little more...And shed the need to be right...And discover what could be possible...I invite you to open your heart and listen past the judgments. After all...Understanding does NOT require agreement.


    Brenda is a Texas girl who loves God and people and big skies and great coffee. She is a believer in impossible possibilities. In brokenness becoming beautiful. In justice and mercy and honor and power–with love perfecting them all. She is a wife, mom, mimi, daughter, and friend. She is also a speaker, author, mediator, and coach...helping people discover, embrace, and live out their God-given superpowers.

    Check out the websites:



    Follow on socials:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/

    Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/

    Check out the other shows from KB PODCAST PRODUCTIONS:

    Kingdom Bringer Podcast with Darin Eubanks

    Next Level Podcast with Michael McIntyre

    Super-Natural Living with Beth Packard

    The Well Life Podcast

    Fan the Flame Podcast with Scott Tilley

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    1 h et 2 min
  • 014 /// A Fresh Perspective of Different
    Sep 19 2024

    Episode 14 – A Fresh Perspective on Different

    With whom do you think of differences as being refreshing? That neighbor with a political sign different than yours? That coworker who does things in the hardest way possible? The one who is always finding fault? Or always positive? The family feuds? The one with the cup half full? Or empty? Differences are perspectives. For those who don’t hold your views, are you the one different? Or are they? The answer to both those questions is yes. It is all perspective. And here’s the game changer. Realizing differences don’t have to create enemies. I am excited to share with you an opportunity I had this week to engage in a conversation with someone VERY different from me politically and spiritually. But the similarities so far outweighed the differences that by the end of the conversation, the differences didn’t matter. I have a new friend. And I don’t care who she is voting for! This is what I want you to hear: Your personal life can be better. Your community can be better. Your business can be better. All by prioritizing the discovery of similarities. Set aside the differences and see the impact it makes! Who could stretch you out of your comfort zone? Where could you glean some fresh perspective? What could be possible if you just laid down that difference? If you found similarities much weightier.


    Brenda is a Texas girl who loves God and people and big skies and great coffee. She is a believer in impossible possibilities. In brokenness becoming beautiful. In justice and mercy and honor and power–with love perfecting them all. She is a wife, mom, mimi, daughter, and friend. She is also a speaker, author, mediator, and coach...helping people discover, embrace, and live out their God-given superpowers.

    Check out the websites:



    Follow on socials:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/

    Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/

    Check out the other shows from KB PODCAS

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    15 min
  • 013 /// Yes, You Are a Leader!
    Sep 5 2024

    Episode 13 - Yes, You Are a Leader!

    Leadership is for all of us. It is how we lead ourselves. It has to do with how we look at those around us who need assistance accomplishing what they are called to do just as much as it has to do with positions or titles. We all have opportunities to lead in a way that encourages and makes a way for others when they can’t do it alone. In this episode I want to share with you three specific examples of people who lead well and lead in a way we can emulate. I call it Relational Leadership. Along with those examples, I want you to see the common thread in each one. Each of these leaders:

    - Stepped into difficult situations first

    - Made a way for others to get through the difficulty to their destination

    - Came along behind them and sealed the deal

    The bottom line is that you can do this. And the more you do this you will realize not only can you do this, but you get to do this. Leading relationally is what we are all called to do! Who comes to your mind as you listen to this episode? Has anyone led you in this way? Is there someone that comes to mind whom you can lead?


    Brenda is a Texas girl who loves God and people and big skies and great coffee. She is a believer in impossible possibilities. In brokenness becoming beautiful. In justice and mercy and honor and power–with love perfecting them all. She is a wife, mom, mimi, daughter, and friend. She is also a speaker, author, mediator, and coach...helping people discover, embrace, and live out their God-given superpowers.

    Check out the websites:



    Follow on socials:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/

    Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/

    Check out the other shows from KB PODCAST PRODUCTIONS:

    Kingdom Bringer Podcast with Darin Eubanks

    Next Level Podcast with Michael McIntyre

    Super-Natural Living with Beth Packard

    The Well Life Podcast

    Fan the Flame Podcast with Scott Tilley

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    19 min
  • 012 /// Unoffendable and Responsive
    Aug 1 2024

    Episode 12 - Unoffendable and Responsive

    In this world we live in, it can be hard to stay calm, loving, and peaceful. Especially when situations that anger, grieve, and sicken us are all around. I have been given the message of “loud is not a language” and yet, this past week has been one of the hardest ones I have had to live that out. To not be loud in attitude or reactions. But those who follow Jesus have been given a mandate. One to surrender our own ways to His. And that’s just nothing but hard. Until we do it. Then the peace that accompanies that surrender reminds us of the better way.

    In this episode I want to remind you and me of 3 things: God doesn’t need us to defend Him. He wants us to listen and respond accordingly. This is the only thing that will bring lasting change. What could the world look like if collectively we remained unoffendable, listened for God’s voice (not what we think God would say, but what He really says), and responded accordingly to what we heard?


    Brenda is a Texas girl who loves God and people and big skies and great coffee. She is a believer in impossible possibilities. In brokenness becoming beautiful. In justice and mercy and honor and power–with love perfecting them all. She is a wife, mom, mimi, daughter, and friend. She is also a speaker, author, mediator, and coach...helping people discover, embrace, and live out their God-given superpowers.

    Check out the websites:



    Follow on socials:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/

    Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/

    Check out the other shows from KB PODCAST PRODUCTIONS:

    Kingdom Bringer Podcast with Darin Eubanks

    Next Level Podcast with Michael McIntyre

    Super-Natural Living with Beth Packard

    The Well Life Podcast

    Fan the Flame Podcast with Scott Tilley

    Voir plus Voir moins
    15 min