
  • Art Nerds - Anne & Chris Lukeman
    Oct 17 2022

    In case you can’t tell by the conversation, I am a real fan of these two. Chris & Anne Lukeman are genius escape room designers that come to the artform via the lens of independent film makers. Their escape rooms are based on Anne and Chris’ favorite movies & tropes, and are not just piles of puzzles. These two are masters of the most unusual, and underrated, modern art forms.

    CU Adventures in Time & Space https://cuadventures.com/

    Play at Home (The Lost Temple) https://cuadventures.com/at-home

    Twitter https://twitter.com/cu_adventures

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/cu_adventures/

    FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/CUAdventures

    Intro Music by Friedrich Habetler https://www.friedrichhabetlermusic.com/

    Exit Music by Alexy Rom https://www.youtube.com/c/pianosynthorgan/videos

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 2 min
  • Art Nerd - Tony Brandl
    Oct 11 2022

    Joining me today at the local coffee shop (please excuse the background noise) is Tony Brandl, a fine artist and storyteller who has essentially re-invented the “choose your own adventure” experience. Heavily influenced by comic books, zen buddhism, and visual poetry, Tony is one of the great philosophers of our time. I encourage you to explore his website while you listen. Stay weird.





    Intro Music by Friedrich Habetler https://www.friedrichhabetlermusic.com/

    Exit Music by Alexy Rom https://www.youtube.com/c/pianosynthorgan/videos

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 7 min
  • Art Nerd - Ryan Fleming
    Oct 4 2022

    Ryan Fleming is a multi-passionate artist that is a walking, talking contradiction. She can see into your soul and her own at the same time! She is capable of delving deeper into the questions of “what is art?” and “why is there art?” than most folks I know. Ryan is the master at exposing the juxtapositions of life, art, and everything. As we walked away from the coffee shop, Ryan proclaimed “We are the avatars of art.” . . . . I will just leave you with that. 





    Intro Music by Friedrich Habetler https://www.friedrichhabetlermusic.com/

    Exit Music by Alexy Rom https://www.youtube.com/c/pianosynthorgan/videos

    Voir plus Voir moins
    46 min
  • Art Nerd - Phil Strang
    Sep 13 2022

    A true, real-life renaissance man. Phil Strang is a multi-passionate artist who has no fear when it comes to trying something new. Phil has been a painter, singer, songwriter, record producer, entrepreneur, actor, director, producer, architect, and heaven only knows what other talents he might be hiding. He is epitome of a life-long-learner. Enjoy.

    Phil’s website: https://1-phil-strang.pixels.com/

    on FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/PhilStrang

    Intro Music by Friedrich Habetler https://www.friedrichhabetlermusic.com/

    Exit Music by Alexy Rom https://www.youtube.com/c/pianosynthorgan/videos

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 4 min
  • Art Nerd - Maggie O'Brien
    Sep 2 2022

    And yet another guest who has a special place in my heart. Maggie is an up-and-coming voice talent with skills beyond her years. She is unmatched as a storyteller, and I honestly, I don’t think that she realizes just how talented she is. Check out her work through the links below and you, too, will see how amazing she can be.

    Website: https://www.maggieobriensounds.com/

    Mad Gab podcast: on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1a0fn5WbYjXEK150RG4I7I

    on Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tL2Q1NDM1Yjk1LTQ2YjItNDQ3Yi1iZTg1LWIzYTFkMzNkZDM2Zgsa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi65dDGtfX5AhWYk4kEHbrBCUgQ9sEGegQIARAN

    Quality Time with the OBriens podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/51B7BOJaGEMStEl4HCRl9m

    Intro Music by Friedrich Habetler https://www.friedrichhabetlermusic.com/

    Exit Music by Alexy Rom https://www.youtube.com/c/pianosynthorgan/videos

    Voir plus Voir moins
    59 min
  • Art Nerd - Kathryn Patricia
    Aug 27 2022

    This week I got to talk with a true trail blazer, and quite frankly, one of the bravest performer I’ve met in a long time. Kathryn bills herself as a loop pedal violist, which is super-cool in it’s own right, but she is also composes through improvisation. This brilliant young artist has skills that just blow my mind. Enjoy.

    My music: https://kathrynpatricia.bandcamp.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kathrynpatriciaviolist/?hl=en

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kpviolist/

    Links to Kathryn’s work: https://www.masconline.ca/artist/kathryn-patricia-cobbler/

    Website: https://www.kathrynpatricia.com/

    Intro and Exit music by Kathryn Patricia Cobbler https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQz6hx063m06xOxS9SVh0pw

    Voir plus Voir moins
    54 min
  • Art Nerd - Jenna Kyle-O'Brien
    Aug 19 2022

    Jenna is such a marvelous and joyous person, that I married her. Yes, my wife is an artist. Professionally she is a musician, singer and teacher. However, in recent years Jenna has started to explore multiple different arts, art techniques, materials, and means of expression. This is one of my favorite episodes because it is rare that an artist makes a discovery-of-self during the podcast. So, if you like a good story, listen in. Enjoy.

    Intro Music by Friedrich Habetler https://www.friedrichhabetlermusic.com/

    Exit Music by Alexy Rom https://www.youtube.com/c/pianosynthorgan/videos

    Voir plus Voir moins
    50 min
  • Art Nerd - Grace O'Brien
    Aug 9 2022

    Grace is an intelligent and ambitious artist on the verge of a stellar career. Admittedly, this is a “proud papa” moment for me. It’s not often you look at your children objectively (or as objectively as possible) and see glimmers of hope for the future. This one is going to change the world.



    Intro Music by Friedrich Habetler https://www.friedrichhabetlermusic.com/

    Exit Music by Alexy Rom https://www.youtube.com/c/pianosynthorgan/videos

    Voir plus Voir moins
    53 min