
  • Emilia Bergmark - Heaven and Earth
    Mar 1 2021

    Heaven and Earth, 2018

    'Heaven and Earth' was an installation with furniture, sculptures and sound first shown at Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, DK in 2018 and later in 2018 at MARWAN in Amsterdam, NL.

 The protagonist of Heaven and Earth is a bitter tea-kettle, to be specific, the iconic chrome kettle ’9091’ designed by Richard Sapper in 1982.

    Sound actress is Lisa Lind Dunbar, Music arrangement by Simon Brinck, Recording by Hannibal Andersen

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    32 min
  • Emilia Bergmark - Burnout
    Mar 2 2021

    Burnout, 2019 

    'Burnout' was an installation and exhibition at Kunsthal 44 Møen, Askeby, Denmark in the summer of 2019. The exhibition was curated by Julia Rodrigues.

    The protagonists of this absurdist-comical sound installation, are a burnt-out worker bee from the Danish honey industry and a male bumblebee from Sweden. In a heated monologue, the worker bee describes the pressure involved in keeping up with a high-speed working life, which has resulted in burnout. After she is interrupted in her speech by a rowdy Swedish bumblebee, disagreements commence. The text touches on topics such as the industrialisation of agriculture and the mysterious bee death.

    Voice actors are Lisa Lind Dunbar and David Wiberg, recording by Andrea Novel.

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    27 min
  • Emilia Bergmark - Potato the Greatest
    Mar 2 2021

    Potato the Greatest, 2020

    Potato the Greatest was originally a video companion to the sculpture edition Potato the Great, made for Sacred Thing in 2020. First exhibited in ’Working Potatoes’, HKM, Hoorn, NL, 2020. Soon to be exhibited as part of KP21 at Kunsthal Aarhus.

    Our protagonist in 'Potato the Greatest' is the potato that came second in the Harrogate Giant Vegetable competition – or to be specific, a sculpture sculpture of that potato.

    Voice actor is Alistair Hanson

    Sound recording and mastering by Martin Leitner.

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    13 min
  • Emilia Bergmark & Maria Gondek - SOAP
    Mar 3 2021

    SOAP, 2021

    Emilia Bergmark and Maria Gondek

Soap will be a duo-exhibition, an art installation and a Kitchen sink drama by the artists Emilia Bergmark and Maria Gondek. The opening of the exhibition was planned at Sirin gallery for the 25th of February but the exhibition has been postponed, and we are waiting to hear when and how we will be opening it.

    The sound piece Soap is a Soap Opera written and performed by a kitchen sink.

    Voice actress is Lisa lind Dunbar, recorded at Inter Art Center Malmö.

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    23 min
  • Interview w/ Emilia Bergmark and Maria Gondek
    Mar 16 2021

    Emilia Bergmark and Maria Gondek joined us at Absalon radio to talk about their piece soap, their art practice and what it's like to work together.

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    34 min
  • Marie Raffn - Robe. Robe? Rope. og Horizontal and vertical lines meet at certain points
    Apr 12 2021

    I denne artist in residency episode vil vi præsentere to separate Hörespiel af kunstneren Marie Raffn.

    Det første Robe. Robe? Rope., er skabt til udstillingen La Robe Chinoise Vol. 1, hvor lyden af et flerstemmigt syerskekor loopede i udstillingsrummet hos Delfi i Malmö. Lydværket er produceret på Nida Art Colony og indspillet i samarbejde med elleve europæere med særprægede accenter. 

    Lydstykket bliver efterfulgt af et andet hørespil Horizontal and vertical lines meet at certain points; en dialog, der er baseret på et script fra en artist book af samme navn, der senest blev vist i Lunds Kunsthal. Hørespillet er indlæst af William Linscott og Jennifer Gelardo i hver deres space, på hver deres side af kloden. Det blev præsenteret i september hos Sol Nexø på Bornholm. 

    De to hørespil bliver her loopet en enkelt gang, og man kan finde fotodokumentation af udstillingerne online bl.a. på kunstnerens hjemmeside www.marieraffn.com

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    29 min
  • Marie Raffn - At navigere fysisk i noget umuligt
    Apr 12 2021

    I denne artist in residency episode vil vi præsentere to separate lydværker af kunstneren Marie Raffn.

    Det første lydstykke Sticka stick a stack er en fortolkning af et strikkemønster. Lydværket indgik i soloudstillingen Seemingly so contained like it's leaking but lacking a crack, octave, put a purl in it and another little less, parry contre sixte, sticka stick a stack, bash to bash balestra, launch between rows AND WATCH IT RIP.

    Herefter præsenterer vi myretue-lydværket And an ant and. And an aunt and.; et konkret poetisk tekstværk med tilhørende oplæsning, hvor hvert bogstav repræsenterer en myre eller et andet lille insekt. Det er blevet vist på Galleri Riis i Stockholm og senest på udstillingen Dead Swath She Said i forbindelse med CPH Art Week et par år tilbage.

    Man kan finde fotodokumentation af udstillingerne online bl.a. på kunstnerens hjemmeside www.marieraffn.com

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    31 min
  • Signe Boe - Detektiv del 1
    Apr 12 2021

    Da billedkunstner Signe Boe blev færdig fra Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Billedskoler i 2017 vidste hun at hun kort tid efter skulle på et arbejdsophold i Spanien. Hvad hun ikke vidste var at én, hun kendte tog med og lavede en detektivrapport om hende. Detektivrapporten var tænkt som en gave, som Signe Boe kunne bruge til at lave et fremtidigt værk med.

    I Absalon Radios Artist in Residency læser Signe Boe op fra detektivrapporten.

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    24 min