Did you know you have an unfair advantage in your life? Something that gives you an edge over your competition. Even if you are not aware it, today's brilliant guests Ash Ali and Hasan Kubba have devised a simple framework that allows us to find out what our unfair advantage is and how we can use it to help us succeed in life and business. Ash Ali and Hasan Kubba are start up entrepreneurs. Ash skipped Uni and was the first marketing director of Just Eat; one of the Uk’s first tech unicorn companies now worth over £5billion. Hasan built a successful start up from his bedroom with nothing more than an online course and desire to escape the corporate ‘rat race’. They have both spoken at TEDx and advised and mentored hundreds of start-ups all over the world. Their new book The Unfair Advantage – How you already have what it takes to succeed…has taken the business world by storm, so settle back and enjoy this enlightening chat with Ash Ali and Hasan Kubba. This is Your London Legacy. “It’s what we do with it afterwards that makes the difference - and some people have a lot of luck in their life but they don’t take advantage of it.” 9:00 There are different kinds of luck we encounter in our lives. Life goes up and down and luck will land somewhere in a trough or valley, but as Ash and Hasan will tell you, the more you do and more you learn and opportunities you take on, the better off you’ll be when luck comes along. But luck also plays into their concept of the unfair advantage, and is an important thing to keep in mind if you find yourself comparing your life to other, perhaps more successful personalities. Afterall, some very famous people got “very small loans” from their parents for 1 million dollars…in the 1970s. “I’ll just sit there and read a book and go, well, it’s not like this in the UK.” 23:00 After what you might call a serendipitous or “lucky” meeting—when Ash and Hasan decided to sit down and write The Unfair Advantage, they wanted to do it with the mindset that their perspective was different than the usual late-aged ex-CEO white male in the United States that you often see dominating the business world. Their book is focused more on the Uk, and more so, they didn’t want the book to be prescriptive like many in the genre are. The book is set up to the core thinking you need to use to see how your perspectives fit uniquely into market spaces to bring value and new thinking to older, run in the ground modalities. The Unfair Advantage is an incredible read and can really help you expand your entrepreneurial ideas, pursuits, and spirt. You can find the book here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Unfair-Advantage-Startup-Success-Starts/dp/1788163311/ref=sr_1_1?crid=35X0D3U3Y40XTanddchild=1andkeywords=the+unfair+advantageandqid=1597780595ands=booksandsprefix=the+unfair+adv%2Caps%2C213andsr=1-1 (The Unfair Advantage) Links Ash: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashali/?originalSubdomain=uk (LinkedIn) https://www.uhubs.co.uk/ (Uhubs.co.uk) Hasan https://www.linkedin.com/in/startuphasan/?originalSubdomain=uk (LinkedIn) https://twitter.com/StartupHasan?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor (@StartupHasan)