
  • Breakfast with Fruity Loops school daze
    Apr 2 2020
    The end of my parents marriage how school experiences shaped and impacted my childhood. discuss my process to determine why staying home makes me stir crazy.
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    35 min
  • Concussed and Confused
    Mar 14 2020
    Please join me as I recount the day a dream forever changed my life. IO could never have expected or prepared for the events would occur in the hours afterward
    Voir plus Voir moins
    41 min
  • Improving and adapting
    Mar 5 2020
    outline of plans to stay focused, disciplined, and create usable workable plans and flexibility. Topics include work, health, finance, food, relaxation, family time
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    27 min
  • Everything is OK a love story
    Feb 21 2020
    every thing is ok
    Sometimes more or less but always ok
    Because it’s always going to be better at some point

    Love is infinite in its beauty
    It allows us to be kind compassionate caring thoughtful grateful gracious humble to our selves and each other

    Love makes us vulnerable and takes faith and hope that’s it right

    Hate is easy to choose it makes feel power , anger, resentment, hold grudges , feel safe , desire not feel pain so give up all the other feelings and those make it easy to feel in control and unreachable

    The walls we build to protect us also imprison us yet we don’t always know that because we can’t see over the walls.

    Always choose love because even if in the store and your hurting it’s worth every second it lasted it’s memories and experience it’s connecting with other people and losing control

    There is no freedom in safety . Everything is ok . Sometimes it more ok and sometimes it’s less ok

    #everythingisok #chasingsunrise #podcast #love #hate #kindness #walls #caring #anger #applepodcast #googlepodcast #spreaker #iheartradio castbox
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    34 min
  • Creators of Chaos
    Feb 13 2020
    In this eoisodeI discuss the back stories of my ex in laws. My ex spouses upbring, how we met and began a relationship.
    I discuss the early red flags and how I did not realize them.
    I talk about how obsesssion can look like caring and emotional weapons.
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    41 min
  • 2020 Success Vision
    Jan 31 2020
    My sucess plan
    First time vision board
    making things work for you
    Planning for physical, financial, creative, sprirtual, individual, family, culture|style, education wellness and success
    Red flags not being derailed
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    37 min
  • Bringing in the Balance
    Jan 11 2020
    getting derailed from your goals, losing track of time and balancing life, finance, work and family. Changing focus and spending time wisely. Making good descions with clarity and being adaptable.
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    29 min
  • Chronic pain stories Fascia blasting
    Dec 4 2019
    What it's like living with chronic pain. Scoilosis. Consistently Inconsitently Fascia blasting for one year and how it has resolved muscle spasms, chronic pain and is allowing me to live my life free of pain. Why multiple modalities have worked for me. AshleyBlackGuru.com. Healing mind,body and soul.
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    39 min