
  • Jazz Rest... Bear Fights
    Jun 12 2024
    Yeah, it's Jazz Fest here in New Orleans. And guess who doesn't give a sh*t? We've been coming to Jazz Fest since the mid 90's. The lineup is actually pretty amazing. Once again, we have more reason for J. Andrews to run for mayor. The Anunnaki. And yes, DJ Colorado definitely said, "thruple," the same woman who married J, the TMZ of Canal Street, who accused the mayor of pegging her bodyguard. "You heard it here first, guys!" Don't worry, we'll get to the Man Lounge later.... But first, let's listen to James Bond. More importantly: OJ & Harvey Weinstein can f*ck each other and burn in Hell!

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    56 min
  • We Will Not Miss You
    Jun 5 2024

    Something different to start. Our hearts go out to everyone mourning as much as we are. The king is gone, but will not be forgotten. Regardless, send us money! And to be clear, Eric Dickerson did not kill anyone (allegedly). Send your letters to Cooperstown: Tell them that Pete Rose deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. And send us your sh*tty gambling puns! We have the greatest DJ of all time! Yeah, the rest is mostly poetry. Tell'm Large Marge sent you!

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    54 min
  • Deja Voodoo
    Apr 19 2024

    I'm doing everything I can to try not to convince you not to listen. Unless you like The Dead Milkmen. You don't have to listen. This is what we do. It's what we've done since the beginning. It's out of control. We don't write it, we do it live. F*cking thing sucks. So anyway- Welcome to "At Five in the Afternoon". Yeah, of course KM has prepared a handful of topics, but it's still a sh*tshow. Don't worry, the poetry is better than ever. "Exquisite" according to J. Andrews. Even DJ Colorado gets in on the reading action! It is a literary podcast, after all. Strap in, folks. You bought the ticket, now take the ride...

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    43 min
  • The MMA of Crotch Sports
    Apr 17 2024

    From the streets of New York... If you're not paying for our Patreon, you're not getting all the content of our cast. If you try to give us money on our Patreon, you're not going to find it. We don't need or want your money. In fact, we don't need or want you to listen. Especially when KM talks about taking a sh*t at work (and going back to the scene of the crime). "Wait, what?" Let's be honest, at some point, the artist Robert Mapplethorpe was probably a john, but he was definitely not a pornographer. Are you ready for our first poetry interlude, folks? Perfect, because we're not even halfway through this cast.

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    57 min
  • Last Call For Grandma
    Apr 14 2024

    Seriously, you don't have to listen. So, anyways... In his attempt to be a hilarious a**hole, J somehow accomplished doing something heartfelt and meaningful. Special guest on this cast: Jim Gaffigan (kinda). Cool dude. Unfortunately, J decides to knock DJ Colorado down, but don't worry, she gets up again! If you ever wondered how adorable DJ Colorado is, she says "Caterpillar" when referring to the "The Human Centipede". Ok, let's get real- how would you rather die: Electrocution or Shark? Sorry I asked. It almost led to DJ Colorado's firing. Don't worry, it didn't take- she came back stronger than ever-"It's Electric!! (Boogie Oogie Oogie Oogie)"!! Trigger warning: KMD appreciates garbage art, but J & DJC hate being hungover so much that they can't find it in their hearts to appreciate third-rate comedies. At least we can all appreciate Esquivel! But not Adam Sandler movies. And yeah, there's plenty of poetry. And Puke Fumes...

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    54 min
  • Dr. Colorado's "Foolproof Hiccup Cure
    Apr 11 2024

    You're in luck if you have water boarding, horse cum or night vision goggles on your podcast Bingo card! After that we just talk ship for a while. Hey kids! If you're looking for some easily accessible gateway drugs, we've got you covered. And for Patreon's only: J Andrews demonstrates how to dance like a flapper. Shout out to "My Brother".

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    47 min
  • I'll Fly Away
    Mar 7 2024

    Happy birthday to Plus-Sized Domino! Although she ends up saying Talking Heads, let's assume DJ Colorado was trying to say Kraftwerk. And let's assume that KM actually believes that Chief Keef killed Tupac. Rest in Power Jam Master Jay. All this talk of death is of course foreshadowing. It is a literary podcast, after all. It's not synchronicity, it's poetry. Check out and respect Doreen Ketchens, a local New Orleans treasure. This cast is dedicated to KM's grandma, Elaine.

    "There is no death, only a changing of worlds."
    - Chief Seattle

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    58 min
  • J Messes with Texas / 13 Soft Defecation's
    Feb 26 2024

    Welcome to our special guest, Moulin Rouge. And apologies to all the Eye-Talians out there. Fuhgettaboutit!!! Don't worry, J will stop yelling and poetry will come to the forefront, but then he will make everyone turn against him, including Nina. From his voice during his first reading, it's obvious KM has no memory of this cast. Look up a clock and do the mathematical equation. Hard to become a cult leader when you used to be in a cult. Tink tink, tink tink! For the record, our Mexican guest brought up the skinheads. Now sit down and shut up- you're back in History class! It's J Andrews' Big Adventure! Keep listening to find out if there's a basement in the Alamo. Actually, stop listening. DJ Colorado definitely did. But that doesn't stop her from being the greatest DJ of all time!!! Carnival!!!! Death!!! Death!!! God bless Trumpet! And for DJ Colorado: The shut up count ended at 10.

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    44 min