
  • Futurist Gerd Leonhard - AI: Competence Not Consciousness - A Tool Not A Purpose
    Apr 15 2024
    This is my entire keynote at MODEX 2024 in Atlanta https://www.modexshow.com/ Thanks to @poweredbymhi and MODEX for making the video available - you can watch it on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQXaahnX1Qc As we step into a future powered by #artificialintelligence we find ourselves at a crossroads. In this talk, I explain that the key to harnessing the full potential of AI isn't in replicating human consciousness (aka achieving GI) but in using it as a powerful tool to enhance our capabilities, improve efficiency, and innovate. It's competence, not consciousness. AI is already transforming most industries via predictive analytics, automation and over #cognification. Yet, with this great power comes great responsibility. We must safeguard our data, address AI biases, and ensure its ethical use to protect what makes us human. Contrary to the widespread fears of job displacement, history shows that new technology usually creates new opportunities and enriches human work. Moreover, tackling challenges like climate change requires both technological solutions and human empathy. AI offers innovative ways to manage resources and foster sustainable practices, paving the way for a greener future. In the realm of supply chain management, AI's capabilities are game-changers, offering efficiency and insight that drive smarter, data-driven decisions. This collaboration between humans and AI isn't about competition but about partnership and progress, guided by ethical principles and by wise policies. The future we're moving towards is one where AI supports our endeavors, enhancing our lives and work without replacing the unique qualities that define us. By embracing AI thoughtfully, we can build a future that's not just technologically advanced but also humane and inclusive.
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    44 min
  • Futurist Gerd Leonhard - Navigating The Future: A Blueprint For Technology And Humanity
    Mar 27 2024
    In this hard-hitting presentation at IBM's Tech Recognition event in Dubai, March 5 & 6, 2024, I discuss the critical importance of optimism about the future, not because we have fewer problems, but because our enhanced capabilities to solve them through technology AND the right policies and ethical frameworks. I delve into the potential and perils of technological advancements like artificial intelligence, and biotechnology, underscoring the necessity of contemplating their ethical implications and societal impacts. Thanks to IBM for making this video available! You can watch the whole thing on YouTube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apiZm7NLSJM
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    51 min
  • Futurist Gerd Leonhard - We're at the pivot point of The Good Future: CNN Portugal
    Jan 12 2024
    Last week, I was interviewed for the PITCH: Brand&Content show that aired on @CNNPortugal on January 6, 2024, produced by @Pitch-brand-and-content (great job, btw). Thanks to Creart.pt for inviting me to be a part of this show. You can watch it on YouTube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBKKjUu-dsM 00:22 The Three Revolutions: Digital, Green, and Human (Pink/Purple) 01:04 The Role of Europe in Leading into The Good Future 01:11 The Dangers of #artificialintelligence and the Need for Containment 02:19 The Power of Trust and Collaboration in Shaping the Future 04:17 The Emergence of a Better Future: Technology, Regulation, and Happiness This year marks a pivotal moment for humanity as we face the convergence of three monumental revolutions: The digital revolution (big blue) has become almost synonymous with artificial intelligence, driving profound transformations across all aspects of our lives. It could be heaven or it could be hell. Simultaneously, the green, #sustainability revolution will gain dramatic momentum in 2024 as societies move decisively towards sustainability, deeply circular practices, and a much more profound commitment to the environment. No company can afford to ignore this global shift towards greener thinking. Lastly, the third revolution, “Big Pink” (better ...Big Purple) underscores the importance of human agency and purpose. IMHO, #europe stands poised to lead the charge in embracing sustainability and prioritizing the existential importance of human intelligence and agency. In #2024, the central question before us is whether we really should sacrifice our humanity, skills, #freewill and human agency for the elusive allure of efficiency and rapid technological progress... I'll have a few things to say about that:))
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    5 min
  • Futurist Gerd Leonhard - AI & The Future Of Business for Fortinet Convergence 2023
    Dec 6 2023
    I think this is one of my best talks, yet - on artificial intelligence and the future of business, commerce and society, also touching on my key the good future people planet purpose prosperity memes. A powerful talk on the impact and future of artificial intelligence, discussing the evolution and the potential of AI, the risk of #artificialgeneralintelligence - surpassing human intelligence, and the need for regulatory bodies overseeing the development and application of AGI. He emphasizes the necessity to keep humanity at the forefront of all AI-related decisions and warns about the implications of becoming too reliant on technology. Gerd also shares his thoughts about a prosperous future, which can be achieved if technology serves to complement, not replace, human capabilities. You can watch the whole speech on YouTube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYCjoYz7OrA We used 7 different LED screens on this amazing stage, at @fortinet 2023 Convergence in Monte Carlo - https://events.fortinet.com/convergence2023monaco
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    39 min
  • Futurist Gerd Leonhard: What To Expect In The Next 7 Years - Foresights And Observations
    Nov 27 2023
    This is the first in a new series of interviews we shot in November 2023 in Lanzarote, Canary Islands on The Good Future. I cover the geopolitical shifts, technological advancements, and an evolving mindset towards sustainability that we can expect by 2030. You can watch is on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR0JlP3vm_A. Thanks to @Rask_ai, It's also dubbed in German, Indonesian, Portuguese and Spanish. Subtitles coming soon. 1) A Shifting Geopolitical Landscape 2) The Rise of the Sustainable Economy 3) The Different Mindset of Millennials 4) The Exponential Power of Technology I am aware of the practical challenges we face today, such as water scarcity, food security, and energy production. Solving these issues is crucial for sustainable growth. Fortunately, technological advancements offer solutions that can help tackle these challenges. It will be essential to find a balance between economic progress and environmental preservation. As we approach 2030, a mixture of chaos, confusion, and powerful new opportunities await us. By acknowledging and addressing the practical challenges ahead while striving for sustainable growth, we can navigate this complex future and create a better world for generations to come
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    6 min
  • Futurist Gerd Leonhard - The Good Future/Technology & Humanity at Capgemini Spark 2023
    Nov 13 2023
    - Here is a really special keynote from this year's Capgemini Spark 2023 event hosted by CapgeminiGlobal. - a huge thanks to Cap Gemini for inviting me, and for making this video available. In this super-wide screen presentation (I now call them superkeynote) I make my argument on: - why the future is better than we think - how we can get there. - I cover my key topics such as The Good Future, Technology vs Humanity, and of course, Artificial Intelligence. You can also watch my speech on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z90NSSXUfgs&t=99s, which is not only in English, but also dubbed in: - German: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln-CX7fy2go&t=0s - Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB2DpcEv4_s&t=0s - Portuguese: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KufSMaQLLs&t=0s
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    41 min
  • Futurist Gerd Leonhard - The next 10 years Humans and Machines, Work & Education ILO Turin
    Oct 27 2023
    On October 12, 2023, I gave this fast-moving and immersive keynote at the Innovation Day of the International Training Center of the ILO (International Labor Organisation, a UN organisation) in Turin, Italy. The event explored AI’s impact on human resources and learning development. - In my talk I spoke about the 3 revolutions (digital, sustainable, purpose) - The difference between HI (Human Intelligence) and AI, ChatGPT and generative ai - The impact of exponential technologies on work, education and labor policies - Why the future is better than we think - How to develop a future mindset, and much more. You can watch it on YouTube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzfGNf5OLM4. It's dubbed in Italian, and has EN and DE subtitles.
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    50 min
  • Futurist Gerd Leonhard - Humans, Artificial Intelligence & The Future at IV Nobel Fest 23
    Oct 24 2023
    Listen to my complete keynote at the VI Nobel Fest 2023 in Astana, Kazakhstan on the future of humanity, artificial intelligence and of The Good Future. You can watch it on YouTube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNclSCfqd9s Some of my key messages in this speech are: - The next 10 years will bring more change than the previous 100 years. We'll see 6 King-Makers: AI, quantum computing, nuclear fusion, synthetic biology, genome editing and geo-engineering. - Technology can be heaven or hell - it's our job to make sure it's mostly heaven #digitalethics - and this is crucial when we talk about AI! - Imagine if the social media disaster is further amplified by perfect disinformation and fake news that generative AI excels? - We will have all the tools (science and technology) - but will we have the Telos? - If we roll out AI and AGI just to fuel more profit and growth, things will not end well for us- - Embrace the 3 revolutions: The Digital (info tech, biotech, energy / climate tech, and AI tech), the Sustainability, and the Purpose Revolution. More information on the VI Nobel Fest, go to https://nobel-fest.org/6en - Photo credit: VI Nobel Fest 2023
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    53 min