This scientific article presents experimental evidence of how Alfvén waves, powerful electromagnetic waves commonly associated with auroras, accelerate electrons. The researchers created a laboratory simulation mimicking the auroral zone and measured the interaction between the waves and electrons. Their measurements show that the electrons are accelerated by the waves through a process called Landau resonance, which allows electrons to gain energy as they interact with the wave. This finding directly confirms a long-standing theoretical hypothesis about auroral electron acceleration, offering significant insight into the physics behind the beautiful, luminous auroral displays.
Basic Plasma Science Facility:
Article being discussed: Schroeder, J. W. R., Howes, G. G., Kletzing, C. A., Skiff, F., Carter, T.A., Vincena, S., and Dorfman, S., Laboratory measurements of the physics of auroral electron acceleration by Alfvén waves, Nature Communications 12, 3103, pp 1-9, (2021);
The Basic Plasma Science Facility is a Collaborative Research Facility that is primarily funded by the US Department of Energy Fusion Energy Sciences program, with additional funding from the National Science Foundation.