A weekly podcast with relaxed discussion of Australian topics, history, a featured town and a couple of trivia questions.
Contact us at AustraliaTalksPodcast@proton.me
DarkestKnight and Ardeet discuss:
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:12:36 – Woolworths and Coles top Australia’s most distrusted brands list
00:37:37 - Two Ticks Town Talk – Dumbleyung, Western Australia
00:55:18 – Australian farmers want the right to repair their own tractors
01:17:05 - This week in Australian history 24-30 Jan
01:33:20 - XXXX bottle top quiz
How Coles and Woolworths became Australia's 'most distrusted' brands
Woolworths and Coles: From Most Trusted to Most Distrusted
‘We’ve been dumbed-down’: Australian farmers want the right to repair their own tractors again
ACCC Motor vehicle information scheme (MVIS)
AussieTowns - Dumbleyung
Wikipedia - Donald Cambell
Wikipedia - Dumbleyung, Western Australia
Hockey-like sport 'dumbung' played by Indigenous Australians lays the field for Kookaburras-Dutch clash
Western Australia Heritage Council
Wikipedia - Water speed record
Wikipedia - Australian anniversaries
#Australia #Australian