
  • Episode #50_ Author Tricia Sciomone No Regrets
    Sep 25 2023
    Hosts Liz Lawless and Russ Johns welcome Author and Chef J Stephen Sadler.
    Today, Host Liz Lawless will share a Marketing Secret.
    Hosts Russ Johns and Liz Lawless will interview Chef J Stephen Sadler about his new “Quest For The Best: The World On My Plate Recipe Book.” J Stephen Sadler is an author, speaker, chef, epicurean travel host, and motivational speaker.
    He has a broad scope of experience in multiple fields. A prolific best-selling author, Sadler has authored a wide range of books that span various genres, from non-fiction Quest For The Best memoirs business and recipe books to eight delightful children’s and coloring books J Stephen’s Garden - Happy Veggies Healthy Eating series.
    His speaking engagements are as varied as his books. He is a sought-after speaker on the corporate circuit for his motivational DISCovery seminars to his “I Can’t Eat That!” children’s healthy eating presentations. His “The Right Ingredient Can Make a World of a Difference” presentations are extremely popular at clubs and organizations. You can reach him at jstephen@sadler.media.
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    35 min
  • Hosts Liz Lawless and Russ Johns welcome Author Sara Sewell
    40 min
  • Episode #49_ Mitch Mitchell Audio Books
    Sep 14 2023
    Hosts Liz Lawless and Russ Johns welcome Producer Mitch Mitchell to discuss Audio Books. We will discuss a few tips that will reduce your costs, show you how to find a producer or narrator, and what technology you need to help you create a better-finished product. I will also talk about some things people don’t think about when creating an Audio Book and the potential platforms for selling it once it is produced at a high-quality level. Mitch’s Sound Alarm Studio is a commercial recording studio in the heart of Dallas, Texas, with 1,167 square feet of space. Seven minutes away from the Galleria Mall. Sound Alarm is equipped with the latest advancements in technology in the industry. Producer Mitch Mitchell will share some key strategies and things to consider before embarking on your Audio Book adventure.
    Host Liz Lawless shares a Distribution Secret to Publishing Success … Churches. Approaching a church differs from approaching a bookstore, library, or corporation. Again, your audience is critical when talking to churches. Is your book for children, youth, adults, women, men, or a mixed audience? There are different levels of leadership in a church (big churches have staff). Then, you also have different denominations, and they all handle things differently. So, when you contact a denomination, you need to know something about them before calling, so be sure to do your research if you don’t have personal experience.
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    35 min
  • Episode #47_ Chef J Stephen Sadler
    Sep 14 2023
    Hosts Liz Lawless and Russ Johns welcome Author and Chef J Stephen Sadler.
    Today, Host Liz Lawless will share a Marketing Secret.
    Hosts Russ Johns and Liz Lawless will interview Chef J Stephen Sadler about his new “Quest For The Best: The World On My Plate Recipe Book.” J Stephen Sadler is an author, speaker, chef, epicurean travel host, and motivational speaker.
    He has a broad scope of experience in multiple fields. A prolific best-selling author, Sadler has authored many books spanning multiple genres, from non-fiction Quest For The Best memoirs and business and recipe books to eight delightful children’s and coloring books J Stephen’s Garden - Happy Veggies Healthy Eating series.
    His speaking engagements are as varied as his books. He is a sought-after speaker on the corporate circuit for his motivational DISCovery seminars and his “I Can’t Eat That!” children’s healthy eating presentations. His “The Right Ingredient Can Make a World of a Difference” presentations are viral at clubs and organizations. You can reach him at jstephen@sadler.media.
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    34 min
  • Episode #46_ Author Rev. Dr. Fran Tilton Shelton
    Sep 14 2023
    Hosts Liz Lawless and Russ Johns welcome Author Fran Tilton Shelton
    Host Russ Johns will share some Summer Marketing Secrets. We are halfway through the year. Have you evaluated your marketing strategies for the next six months? You need to be thinking about Christmas promotions now.
    Host Liz Lawless will interview Author Rev. Dr. Fran Tilton Shelton about her books No Winter Lasts Forever: A Memoir of Loving Bob and Loathing Alzhemier’s and The Spirituality of Grief: 10 Practices for Those Who Remain.
    No Winter Lasts Forever is a first-hand account of loving and living with Alzheimer’s. It shares the shock, disbelief, anger, pain, joy, humor, grief, and finally letting go. It is the story of trusting in God and living in the moment while being grateful for every day.
    The Spirituality of Grief honors the complex nature of grief and offers simple comfort: we are not alone, and there is no one right way to grieve. A spiritual director, pastor, and co-founder of a grief non-profit walks us through the questions gathered after a loved one's death.
    Fran is the matriarch of her blended family of four children and their spouses and five grandchildren. She's got the courage to take deep finesses in duplicate bridge, stamina to be a member of four book clubs, and a spirit for life that sparks contagious laughter. Fran is one of the founders of Faith & Grief Ministries, a non-profit that provides communities, congregations, and online bereavement resources. She facilitates bereavement workshops and spiritual retreats, preaches, and teaches in congregations and at conferences. For over twenty-five years, she served PC(USA) congregations in Texas, primarily in pastoral care. She is an Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary graduate (MDiv 1993 and DMin 2007).
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    35 min
  • Episode #45_ Author Bobo Nikce Memoir
    Sep 14 2023
    Today, Host Liz Lawless is sharing from our Secret 1: Writing. She will share some insights into the different genres and subgenres.
    Hosts Russ Johns and Liz Lawless welcome Author Bobo Nikce and his wife Linda, who edits and manages the publishing part of their BoboLin Media company. Previously, we talked about Bobo’s children’s books, but today, we are talking about his memoir “The Little Boy Inside.”
    Bobo Nikce … Bobo is from Montenegro (formerly under Communist rule and part of Yugoslavia. They declared independence in 2006.) Montenegro means black mountain. Bobo immigrated to the United States in his twenties. Although he speaks English (with an accent), Bobo still writes in his native tongue and then reads the story to his wife Linda, who reads it in English and then oversees his books' production, print, and marketing. You can find all their titles on TheAuthorAdventure.com, Amazon, Ingram, Barnes and Noble, or their website BoboLinMedia.com. You can also find supporting motivational and inspirational products.
    They also are pursuing their best lifestyle as Two Sassy Seniors Vagabond Experiment, traveling the world and living part of the year in Hawaii, Montenegro, and the continental United States, where their children and grandchildren live. You can follow their adventures and see how they designed and accomplished this lifestyle at their website www.srvexp.com.
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    34 min
  • Episode #44_ Author Coy Poitier Master Gardener
    Sep 14 2023
    Hosts Liz Lawless and Russ Johns welcome Author Coy Poitier to discuss the pre-promotion and launch of his new Gardening Guide “How to Start an Urban Garden,” which takes you step-by-step through creating your own Urban Garden.
    Host Russ Johns shares Marketing Secret to Publishing Success … Sit down for 2 hours and create 30 days of content, then schedule it to drip out.
    Urban Farmer, Award-Winning Film Director & Musician, and now Author Coy will share some critical urban gardening tips, including choosing a location, testing your soil, picking crops, and more. We will also discuss the trend of more African Americans returning to farming and the resources available to help small and minority farmers.
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    34 min
  • Episode #43_ Hosts Liz, Russ & Authors Kickoff Summer Reading
    Sep 14 2023
    Hosts Liz Lawless and Russ Johns will share their Summer Reading Plan with multiple authors. Visiting authors will also share one thing they plan to do to promote their books this Summer. You won’t want to miss these great strategies. You can see most of our authors' books and find out more about pursuing your author adventure by visiting our new website at www.TheAuthorAdventure.com.
    Authors Nancy Churnin, Mary Elizabeth Jackson,
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    33 min