Julienne B. Ryan is a Communication Catalyst—a storytelling keynote speaker, humorist, facilitator, author, and coach. She shows her clients how to listen better by teaching them how to use their voices without raising their voices, one authentic and informed conversation and story at a time. Ryan accomplishes this by working with her clients in creative ways, using improv, humor, storytelling, and neuroscience in her individual coaching sessions (professional development and career transition), team building, goal setting, cultural sensitivity, leadership, management skills, and interpersonal communications workshops. Ryan’s experience in organizational development plays a role in every program she is involved in, whether it be a keynote address, a workshop, or a team-building session. She applied the tried-and-true data collection process and in-depth interviews with key stakeholders to identify pain points and opportunities for productive and sustained change. Her collaborative style and focused listening skills enable her to develop connections at all levels of the organization, building trust and inspiring learning in the process. Ryan works with businesses, organizations, educational institutions, and non-profit agencies. Julienne brings her experience as a talent management and human resources professional, educator, and performer to her work. She has consulted with non-profits, academic institutions, and multinational corporations. She holds a master’s degree in organizational psychology and leadership from Teachers College, Colombia University, and a dual B.A. in Psychology/Urban Studies from Manhattan College. Ryan is a certified Collective Brains Mentor, an AccuMatch Behavior Intelligence Coach, and a Narativ© Storytelling Methodology Coach. She is a keynote speaker, and most recently, she has presented at conferences and organizations on the topics of employee engagement, communications in the age of AI, leadership, and professional development. Julienne is the author of the humorous “The Learned-it-in-Queens Communications Playbook—Winning Against Digital Distraction” and co-hosts THE LEADERSHIP STORYTALKS Podcast by Narativ, Inc. with Jerome Deroy, the CEO of Narativ Inc., a series designed to champion employee engagement and community building through the art of listening and narrative storytelling. She is also a contributing author to the award-winning global anthology “The Echoes of Humanity—Exploring Human Wonders Through the Pages of Lessons, Afflictions, Distress, Triumph, Victory, and Brilliance.” Ryan has given her time and support to empowerment programs such as the SISTER MENTORS, Executives on Campus (Baruch College — EOC), Queens Centers for Progress, I Mentor, Launch 1000, and numerous professional associations that champion learning. Julienne B. Ryan is a native, lifetime New Yorker. She is married to her college sweetheart, a Dublin Irishman who has never met a sentence he couldn’t make longer. She learns something from him every day. Book Link: https://www.amazon.com/-/es/stores/author/B08SPXLL8P Website: https://jryanpartners.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/julienneb.ryan/ X: https://twitter.com/julienne_ryan?lang=en Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/20786955.Julienne_B_Ryan FB: https://www.facebook.com/julienneryan/