In today's episode we are joined by returning guest Kellie @my.bariatric.bites.
Last time we spoke she was just 1 week post op, now 7 months into her bariatric journey we touch base to see how her laid-back approach has treated her.
From adjusting her eating habits and transitioning into a new career, Kelly's experience offers a wealth of insights and practical advice. We'll also explore how she’s managing social media's impact on mental health, maintaining a positive mindset, and the importance of treating lifestyle changes as a lifelong journey rather than a diet.
In today's episode:
- @fitforme.aus fun fact
- Transitioning from purees was challenging but manageable.
- Worried about transitioning to normal food quickly.
- Prioritise protein intake without obsessive tracking.
- Surgery's success depends on comprehensive lifestyle changes.
- Carbonated water helps me stay hydrated.
- Do you think about food differently now?
- Pre-surgery unhealthy eating worsens post-surgery diet adherence.
- Weight cycling, surgery hopeful for sustainable loss.
- Avoid obsessing; create sustainable, balanced habits.
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