BIKE SHORTS Episode 7: With the arrival of their first daughter in 1984, Peter had the carrot he needed to finally trade his nicotine addiction for an O2 addiction. He had always enjoyed riding bikes in his younger years, and with his newfound obsession for riding, he was ready to take it to another level. This episode recounts his first 200 mile ride when he rode the 17th AnnualDavis Double Century in 1986. He even has the t-shirt to prove it!
WHAT IS BIKE SHORTS? I often chat with fellow cyclists that say they don’t have enough bike-related stories to fill a full episode, so the idea of BIKE SHORTS was born! Still a bit rough around the edges, I hope you find it interesting and follow along as I work through the process.
Now ranked as one of theBest Cycling Podcasts
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A Production of I RIDE, LLC
Theme Song by Spencer Albee. Want to hear more? Visit @SpencerAlbee on social media and streaming platforms.