In this episode, author Joel Salomon breaks down Dwayne Johnson's new movie, Black Adam, and yields his insights as a masterful storyteller and someone with robust historical knowledge. Turns out, Black Adam has Illuminati references and the Justice Society isn't just at all??!! Tune in to find out. You can also listen to this episode, along with all the others, of The Aqua Phi Podcast, your ESPN of Science Fiction, on YouTube! Purchase your copy of The Aqua Phi and check out Aqua Phi merch here: Thanks for tuning in! 'Til next time. #sciencefiction #theaquaphi #podcast Video and audio production courtesy of Jasper Multimedia. Music: Humans After Us by Nick Froud, courtesy of TuneTank. BLACK ADAM -- The Powers of SHAZAM | The Aqua Phi Podcast Ep. 51