BOOM! It's Sara Driver, longtime partner and collaborator of the one and only master of indie films, Jim Jarmusch. Driver is also a filmmaker in her own right, having made a handful of movies back in the day and her recent documentary Boom For Real: The Late Teenage Years of Jean-Michel Basquiat. Driver was a close friend of Basquiat's, and her intimate portrait of the late artist is quite the quite-the! And speaking of, we have quite the quite-the episode here: Driver explains where Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon and she used to see people get mugged ... in the same spot where now there's a Damien Hirst gallery that you can't even get into if you're not dressed right! We talk about how the "nerdy" weirdos of those days grew up to create a lot of what became No Wave and the Cinema of Transgression .. before there would eventually be such a thing as the "indie" movie scene ... and why the hell we should care on a podcast like this.