Romans 12:6 tells us that God has given us different talents to do certain things well. Join me as I interview George Commons, Managing Partner for Barnabas Group KC. George will take us on a great adventure of how he has grown this ministry into the fastest-growing Barnabas Group in the US. Discovering and utilizing our unique talents is essential to achieving our full potential, The Barnabas Group is an organization that can help us do just that. According to Romans 12:6, God has given each of us a different set of talents, and it's our duty to use them to the best of our abilities. In this upcoming interview, George Commons, Managing Partner for Barnabas Group KC, will take us on a captivating journey of how he has grown this ministry to become the fastest-growing Barnabas Group in the United States. Join us for an inspiring adventure and learn how you can use your talents to make a positive impact in the world.