
  • Bat Minute '89 - Minute 0: Bat Minute Begins
    Jun 7 2017

    An introductory episode to say hello and get you used to the show.

    Bat Minute '89 is an upcoming podcast hosted by Jon Parker and Niall McGowan, analysing and investigating Tim Burton's 'Batman' ONE MINUTE AT A TIME.

    The show will be three days per week when it launches, releasing on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min
  • Bat Minute '89 - Minute 1: Credit's Crunch
    Jul 3 2017

    And we're off! In our first proper episode we burst out of the Bat Minute cave and rush to analyse Minute 1, which is made up entirely of credits. Beforehand we talk about the events that lead the film that would become Tim Burton's Batman into development Hell and out again, emerging as the fabulous film it is. It's a bit info heavy, but that's what happens when you have nothing but names to talk about!


    Our next episode follows on Wednesday!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    37 min
  • Bat Minute '89 - Minute 2: The Prince and the Elfman
    Jul 5 2017

    In Minute 2 we're firmly in credits town, so we make the best of it by wandering through the names of the talented folks who are popping up, including a stop in the smooth, cool waters of Lake Billy Dee Williams. Again, info heavy, so you'll have to forgive us!


    The next episode follows on Friday!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    35 min
  • Bat Minute '89 - Minute 3: A Homestead Where Goats Are Kept
    Jul 7 2017

    The film starts proper now, and so does the podcast (as we have clear visuals to talk about)! In Minute 3 we burst through the final few credits and spill out onto the streets of Gotham. It looks like a nice neighbourhood. Nothing can go wrong, right?


    The next episode follows on Monday!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    38 min
  • Bat Minute '89 - Minute 4: Back Alley Shenanigans
    Jul 10 2017

    The excitement continues in our second week here at Bat Minute '89 as our intrepid heroes are still trying to obtain a cab but are instead forced to brave the streets of Gotham! Can Biggs Darklighter navigate the city a little better than he did the Death Star trench? Tune in to find out, folks!


    The next episode follows on Wednesday!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min
  • Bat Minute '89 - Minute 5: Shadow of the Bat
    Jul 12 2017


    Biggs is taken out from behind once more. This time, however, he's been robbed! Will the crooks escape with the loot? One thinks so, while the other worries about a mysterious 'Bat'. Could this be the BatMAN from the title?

    The only way to be sure is to tune in, Bat Fans!

    The next episode follows on Friday!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    35 min
  • Bat Minute '89 - Minute 6: Impressive Wingspan
    Jul 14 2017

    The week ends with drama, vampirism and a vicious Bat Beatdown! Can these crooks survive the onslaught, or will they face the same fate as Johnny Gobs? Will we even find out within the time span of one minute? The only way to know is to tune in, Bat fans!


    The next episode follows on Monday!

    Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    44 min
  • Bat Minute '89 - Minute 7: Say the Liiine...
    Jul 17 2017

    Brutal Batman, cheesy catchphrases and Lando Calrissian start us off with another exciting week of the show! Can The Bat overcome the problems of his awkward cowl and defeat the crooks? Will Lando clean up the (cloud) city? Tune in to find out, folks!


    The next episode follows on Wednesday!

    Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min