Batman '66 S2 Ep5 – The Minstrel's Shakedown
A musical and electronics oriented new villain threatens the Gotham Exchange for ransom.
Episode aired Wednesday September 21, 1966
Director: Murray Golden
Writer: Francis M. Cockrell & Marian B. Cockrell
Adam West - Batman
Burt Ward - Robin / Dick Grayson
Alan Napier - Alfred
Neil Hamilton - Commissioner Gordon
Stafford Repp - Chief O'Hara
Madge Blake - Mrs. Cooper
Van Johnson - The Minstrel
Leslie Perkins - Octavia / Amanda
Remo Pisani - Bass
Norman Grabowski - Treble
Del Moore - TV Newsman
Army Archerd - Putnam
John Gallaudet - Brook Cortland
Eddie Garrett - First Broker
Herbert Maass - Second Broker
Stuart Wilson - Third Broker
Mike's Shout Out:
The Dragon Con Report
Drew's Shout Out:
Earth Station DCU
BatChums logo by Peter Cutler.
Theme music by Ricky Zero.
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