
  • 13: We're Pressing Pause on Be Bold, Repeat
    Oct 13 2021

    In today's episode, we share some sad but exciting news about the future of Be Bold, Repeat! There are so many incredible things on the horizon and we break down what's happening with Be Bold, Repeat, and where our focus is going in the future. Plus we share our biggest lessons from running Be Bold, Repeat as podcast newbies!

    We are incredibly grateful for each and every one of you who have tuned in each week to listen so don't forget to give us a follow on Instagram at @embracingtheuncertain and @simplysocialcorp to keep up to date with what's going on with each of our respective businesses.

    Learn more at beboldrepeat.com.

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  • 12: 3 Simple to do in your Business When You Feel Frozen
    Oct 6 2021

    In this solo episode, Ashley is talking about overwhelm.

    How do you prioritize when everything feels like it's a top priority? She’s giving you 3 simple things to focus on when you feel overwhelmed or frozen in what to do next.

    Learn more at beboldrepeat.com

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  • 11: Creating a Successful Client Relationship
    Sep 30 2021

    In today’s episode, we’re talking about:

    • How to set expectations with your clients
      How do you work together? What is your communication platform? How do you set boundaries? What are your turnaround times and required lead times? Answering these questions sets you up for a good customer experience and helps define success.

    • Your legal process
      Do you want to go forward with a statement of work? What about a contract? News flash! You can get one off of the internet.

    • It’s all about the follow-through
      When you set boundaries, stick to them! It will build trust, install CEO energetics, and help you stay regulated.

    To learn more visit beboldrepeat.com.

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  • 10: Step 3: The Fastest Way to Sign Your First Client
    Sep 15 2021

    It's time to get real with y’all … creating a successful business overnight just doesn't happen. It's unrealistic, sets terrible standards for the online business world, and overall perpetuates the idea that if you don't crush it overnight there's something wrong with you or your business. Signing your first client can take some time simply because there's a major learning curve you are trying to understand PLUS you're a new business that's trying to gain the trust of customers who have never seen you serve in the way you are serving before. So let's drop the belief that you have to become an overnight success and step into the most realistic (and fastest) way to sign your first client.

    In today's episode you'll hear:

    1. Why people's buying process can take time

    2. Where Katie & Ashley spent their time at the beginning of their business

    3. Why focusing on this one area will actually make the sales process feel SO much easier

    4. Why the idea that people you know won't buy from you isn't true

    5. How this strategy looks in each of our businesses

    Today's homework is to choose your favorite platform and reach out to 3 contacts to tell them about your services OR make a blanket post/declaration of your offer/service!

    Learn more at beboldrepeat.com.

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  • 9: Step 2: How to Own That You're an Entrepreneur
    Sep 8 2021

    In last week’s episode, we talked about the 3 questions you need to know before you start marketing yourself and your online business and in today's episode we are building off of it because at this point - it's time to start shouting from the rooftops that you're an entrepreneur!

    But wait - "I'm an entrepreneur". That feels hard to say out loud and what if people call you out...enter imposter syndrome. We get it it can be hard to own that you're an entrepreneur publicly so in today's episode we're covering some ways to overcome those fears including:

    1. Why it's normal to have fear about owning the fact you're an entrepreneur especially once you begin your business

    2. Why being visible in your business can feel challenging - especially as a woman in the patriarchy

    3. How showing up energetically as a CEO makes a HUGE difference in your success and the first step to take even if you feel frozen

    4. Why showing up online actually helps build trust with your clients

    5. Why you don't have to be dubbed an "expert" to be able to support your ideal client

    So your homework today is to lean into discomfort and go tell someone you're an entrepreneur - even if it feels weird and even if it starts from a whisper.

    Learn more at beboldrepeat.com

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  • 8: Step 1: How to Start an Online Business
    Sep 1 2021

    So you want to start a business but like....how? Where do you start? What steps do you need to take? What goes first?

    In today's episode we kick off a mini-series where we share a step by step process to follow as you build your online business.

    So you've got your business idea, you've done some foundational mindset and you're bought into being an entrepreneur. What next?

    In this episode you'll hear:

    1. The three questions you need to spend time answering in order to solidify your brand identity

    2. Why these questions should be where you spend the majority of your time in the beginning

    3. Why the answers to these questions will help show the value you bring to your ideal client

    4. Plus we share examples of how this looks in both of our businesses

    We hope this episode helps you to feel more prepared as you bring your baby business to the world and if it helped - don't forget to head over to iTunes and leave us a 5-star review!

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  • 7: 3 Things to Know Before Hiring Your Team
    Aug 25 2021

    Running an online business as a new entrepreneur requires you to be a bit scrappy and get super involved in the nitty-gritty of your business in the very beginning. And while that can be fun, at some point in your business, you'll need to be able to scale your time so you can focus on your most important tasks (i.e. serving your clients) which means you will likely consider hiring your first team member. Hiring your first team member is the easiest way to scale your results in your business and in today's episode we talk about 3 things you should know when it comes to hiring your team.

    In this episode you'll hear:

    1. Ashley's tip for getting your mindset behind your hiring process - I know handing the reigns of your baby business over to someone else is terrifying

    2. Why the 3 things we discuss today will help you avoid making the wrong hire

    3. Things to consider when it comes to hiring your ideal person (spoiler alert, you might need them in the same timezone.)

    4. Why it's important to know exactly what type of person you need to hire before you start interviewing

    Learn more at beboldrepeat.com.

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  • 6: Personal v. Instagram Business Accounts
    Aug 18 2021

    In today's episode we are answering one of the top questions we get from listeners around social media. That question? Should I have a personal or business page on my socials (Facebook, IG, TikTok, etc)? We LOVE this question and in today's episode we'll break down our thoughts on how to handle this new business owner conundrum.

    In today's episode, you'll hear:

    1. How we looked at social media profiles as a new business owner

    2. Why there's no right answer to this question and why you shouldn't let this question trip you up before you even get started

    3. The benefits to having a business profile & the reasons you might consider having a business profile

    4. Things to consider when you are deciding between a personal or business profile - including confidentiality of your family and personal life

    5. How safety plays into the decision to share your business offers publicly

    6. Why we suggest focusing on ONE platform at the beginning of your business vs. all the platforms

    Learn more at beboldrepeat.com

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