Tania Elfersy is one amazing woman. She is an award-winning author and publisher who has spent countless years researching midlife symptoms relating to perimenopause and menopause. If you want to know about the causes and cures related to the emotional and physical symptoms of midlife, then you going to want to listen to this podcast! Tania has a beautiful ability to weave her knowledge of midlife women's health with the principles of innate health. Truthfully, listen has Tania shares how she cured her range of symptoms, 100% naturally! Tonia guides women to natural and simple cures for both perimenopause and menopause symptoms. Treatments that are available to us all! You're done with the midlife menopause symptoms! - Mood swings,
- night sweats,
- hot flashes,
- insomnia,
- frequent migraines,
- back pain,
- skin outbreaks,
- changes in your libido,
- weight gain,
- brain fog.
And other symptoms of midlife you might be suffering from, which are often associated with perimenopause and menopause.
Tania created THE WISER WOMAN project to help women
journey through perimenopause and menopause with fewer symptoms and more joy. It's here where she shares a revolutionary understanding of midlife women's health.
Find out how you can work together to uncover the fastest way to perimenopause and menopause symptoms, and midlife symptom relief, 100% naturally, with zero side-effects.
Or start here by reading this post:
40-Something Women, The Rise of Perimenopause
and Why You Should Stop Blaming Your Hormones.
Find out more about Tania and her services at https://www.thewiserwoman.com