
  • 4. Embracing Self-Worth and Healing in Relationships
    Jun 27 2024

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    In this episode of 'Becoming Sunshine,' Madeline discusses the significance of self-worth and high standards in relationships. She shares insights from her spiritual work, emphasizing the importance of not settling and recognizing when to let go of unfulfilling relationships. Madeline explains the role of the primal and limbic brain in relationship patterns, the impact of childhood trauma on adult relationships, and the necessity of deep work like meditation and shadow work for reprogramming subconscious beliefs. She highlights the power of self-soothing, the benefits of maintaining strong friendships, and the value of aligning romantic relationships with the quality of platonic ones. To wrap up, she encourages enjoying the dating journey while waiting for the right partner to come along. The episode also touches on various tools for self-care, such as journaling, yoga, and flower essences.

    Chapter Markers
    00:00 Introduction: Stand in Your Worth

    00:30 Welcome to Becoming Sunshine

    00:55 Running into the Fire: Embracing Lessons

    03:55 Understanding Trauma Bonds

    05:26 Reprogramming Subconscious Beliefs

    07:36 Healing Through Spiritual Practices

    08:14 The Power of Flower Essences

    09:16 The Importance of Friendships

    11:41 High Standards in Romantic Relationships

    12:25 Self-Soothing and Grounding

    14:12 Choosing the Right Partner

    20:14 The Train Analogy: Enjoying the Journey

    22:15 Conclusion: Thanks for Listening

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    Follow the host on Instagram @its_madelinegrace

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    23 min
  • 3. Embracing Imperfection: Overcoming Perfectionism and Healing Naturally
    Jun 5 2024

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    In this episode of 'Becoming Sunshine,' Madeline shares her journey of personal growth, grappling with imposter syndrome, and the pursuit of perfection. She emphasizes the importance of cultivating the right mindset, embracing authenticity, and giving oneself grace through struggles. Madeline opens up about her experiences with hormonal imbalances, particularly PMDD, and the holistic approaches she's adopted for healing. She discusses her challenges with mental health, the impact of rapid weight loss on her body, and finding balance through natural interventions like acupuncture and herbal medicine. Madeline also touches on overcoming societal pressures, validating personal experiences, and the profound impact of vulnerability and service to others. Join her as she navigates life's messiness and celebrates the beauty of imperfection.

    Chapter Markers
    00:00 Introduction: Embracing Imperfection

    01:10 Welcome to Becoming Sunshine

    01:45 Struggles with Imposter Syndrome

    04:31 Dealing with Hormonal Imbalances

    08:28 Exploring Holistic Health Practices

    14:09 The Impact of Semaglutide

    20:50 Navigating Setbacks and Finding Clarity

    25:13 Trusting the Journey

    30:41 Conclusion and Call to Action

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    Follow the host on Instagram @its_madelinegrace

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    32 min
  • 2. Overcoming Chronic Disease and the Healing Journey: A Personal Story by Madeline
    Jun 5 2024

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    In this heartfelt and insightful episode of 'Becoming Sunshine,' Madeline opens up about her personal journey with chronic disease and the ensuing spiritual healing process. She dives deep into the initial struggles of misdiagnosis, how she found the right care through functional medicine, and the important role of MRT testing in identifying her food sensitivities. Madeline emphasizes the value of tailored medical care, the importance of mental and spiritual well-being, and shares practical tips on managing stress, maintaining a consistent sleep routine, and the benefits of meditation and journaling. She also explores the connection between trauma, such as sexual assault, and chronic illness, advocating for holistic health approaches that look at the body as an interconnected system. Tune in to gain valuable insights into proactive health management and the transformative power of self-healing.

    Chapter Markers
    **TRIGGER WARNING** Depicts incidents of sexual assault

    00:00 Introduction: My Journey with Chronic Disease

    01:10 Welcome to Becoming Sunshine

    05:09 The Turning Point: Mono and Autoimmune Disease

    09:02 Discovering Functional Medicine

    12:53 The Impact of Diet and MRT Testing

    23:23 The Role of Meditation and Routine

    32:46 Emotional Healing and Trauma

    42:42 Conclusion and Future Topics

    Support the Show.

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    Follow the host on Instagram @its_madelinegrace

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    Voir plus Voir moins
    44 min
  • 1. Understanding Self-Transformation, Relationships, and Astrology
    Jun 5 2024

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    In the first episode of 'Becoming Sunshine,' host Madeline introduces the podcast's mission to help listeners better understand themselves through personal experiences and metaphysical modalities. She shares her journey of transformation during her Saturn return, emphasizing the lessons learned from a significant relationship. Madeline discusses the concepts of soulmates, karmic, and twin flame relationships, and how they contribute to personal growth. She also delves into astrology and human design, explaining her own signs and how these systems can provide deeper self-awareness and validation. Throughout the episode, Madeline stresses the importance of self-love, facing core wounds, and nurturing one's inner child to achieve one's highest potential.

    Chapter Markers
    00:00 Introduction to Becoming Sunshine

    00:59 Meet Madeline: Host and Guide

    01:32 Astrology and Human Design Basics

    02:09 Understanding Relationships: Soulmates, Karmic, and Twin Flames

    10:22 Healing and Self-Realization

    21:32 Astrology Deep Dive: Saturn Return

    23:53 Conclusion and Farewell

    Support the Show.

    Follow the show on Instagram @becomingsunshinepodcast
    Follow the host on Instagram @its_madelinegrace

    Thanks so much for listening!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    25 min