How do GP's navigate dozens of patients and countless conditions with so little time? There's an art to it and today we're letting you in on our secrets.
My dear friend and mentor Dr Andy Morgan taught me so much as a medical educator. He's here to explain why the first minute of a consult is the most important, why your GP might involve you in the decision making, and how we feel as clinicians when we don't have all of the answers.
This episode will give you a new perspective on what happens in the consulting room (and might give you an idea of what you should be looking for in your GP!)
The discussions in this podcast are general in nature and do not replace the need for you to see a qualified health professional for any concerns you may have.
Guest: Dr Andy Morgan, retired GP and medical educator.
Instagram: @doctor.preeya.alexander
Books: Eat, Sleep, Play, Love by Dr Preeya Alexander
Preeya's new book Full Plate is out now!