Ever feel stagnant, stuck, or as if there's no way for you to get more from your relationship with the Lord, Jesus? Good news! There is always space available to move forward in your Christian walk. God is ready to take you to the next mountain top! Source: https://christ-life-now.sounder.fm/ ✚ Become a FINANCIAL SUPPORTER of this ministry! ➞Cash App: $RandallDSims ➞PayPal: https://bit.ly/3Fb5p0x ➞Check (payable to Randall Sims: 3412 69th Ave, Meridian MS 39307 ✚ Stay Connected ➞Facebook group: https://bit.ly/3ygmwMP ➞Follow "Randall Sims": http://bit.ly/FollowRandallSims "From the time time that God gave the law at Mount Sinai to Mount Calvary to Mount Zion to the Mount of Olives, He takes us from Glory to Glory! " Better Is Coming | Christ Life Now Podcast with Randall Sims