In this episode, Keatha introduces Leah Fruth, a dear friend, author, speaker, fitness teacher, and Live Well Health Coach. Leah shares her inspirational journey from feeling lost and frustrated to discovering freedom and healing through her relationship with Jesus.
Leah's book, "Come Alive Now," offers practical steps and insights into stepping into the fullness and freedom that Jesus offers. Leah shares why you need to get this book! Together, Keatha and Leah discuss their shared experiences, the power of community, the exciting journey ahead with the Love Paced Race and their new endeavors as LiveWell Health Coaches.
Join us for an insightful conversation about faith, fitness, and finding freedom in Christ. Whether you're looking for motivation to start your weight loss journey or seeking a deeper connection with your body and spirit, this episode is packed with encouragement and practical advice. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your life through finding your community. Let's armor up and fight this war on weight together!
You can connect with Leah at or on instagram
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