When the stage is the canvas,
The movements- the paintbrush,
Bharatnatyam- the palette,
With colors that come from the heart,
Dance truly becomes an art!
Come with me and experience the magic of Bharatnatyam in the 13th episode of ‘A Poetry Tribute.’
I am Hemangini Mandaliya, also known as The Hedonist Writer. I ardently believe that words have the power to change worlds and that is what I am striving for with this podcast.
Find me on Instagram and revel in new literature content at The Hedonist Writer
Get in touch with me at thehedonistwriter@gmail.com
“…And one day, the girl with the books became the woman writing them!” 🌻
Purchase my first poetry book ‘We Remember’ through the below link, You can also buy a signed copy with bonus goodies by sending me an e-mail. :)
Paperback: http://amzn.to/32enRGj
E-Book: https://www.store.bookleafpub.com/product-page/we-remember
Episode Art Cover: Image discovered through Google. All credits to the original owner.
Background Music: https://youtu.be/BdgxbKiizZE