
  • BAL 2025, Ep02 - Why Did God Stop Talking Directly With Us ?
    Jan 12 2025
    Join us as together we discover if the devil has access to our thoughts, and if our eating habits insult God. The pastors will also discuss why the Lord stopped communicating directly with us, as He once did with Adam and Eve, and what it means that He created us in His image. All this and more, in this installment of Bible Answers Live ! 1.- Is Malachi 3 verse 16 indicating that the Lamb’s Book of Life and the Book of Life are the same book ? 2.- Do the 42 months mentioned in Revelation close around the time that probation closes ? 3.- Is it possible that the teaching of abstaining from eating animal products is a slap in God’s face ? 4.- What did a marriage in the Bible consist of ? 5.- Why did God stop talking directly to us ? 6.- What are the wheels, eyes, wings and faces mentioned in Ezekiel 10 verse 12 ? 7.- The Bible references God as the Father and Jesus as the Son. Is God a single parent ? 8.- Why is there a tree in Heaven with leaves that heal nations ? 9.- In Genesis 1 verses 26 through 27 God says, Let us make man in our image. What is meant by Our image? 10.- Is it Biblical to attend a wedding or funeral on the Sabbath day ? 11.- In Revelation 4, is the description of the four beasts a literal or a symbolic description ? 12.- Do the events described in Luke 17 verses 24 and 31 represent a dual prophecy ? 13.- How exactly did Satan flee from Jesus when he was tempting Him in the desert ? 14.- Is Mark 7 verses 17 through 23 abolishing the Old Testament food laws ? 15.- Will the Jews ever come to Jesus ? How long until this happens ? 16.- When did Lucifer fall from Heaven ? 17.- Does the devil have access to one’s thoughts ? 18.- What do you think about the Shroud of Turin ? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/297/29
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    59 min
  • BAL 2025, Ep01 - Why Did God Throw Satan to the Earth Instead of Somewhere Else ?
    Jan 5 2025
    In this edition of Bible Answers Live, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross discuss why God sent Satan to Earth and where he is now. Join us as they also answer questions about testing God and praising God, and how we are to defend our faith in Him. Tune in and find out about these topics and more ! 1.- What is the darkness that came over the land in Isaiah 60 verse 2 ? 2.- How should Christians defend their faith in this evil world ? 3.- Based on Ecclesiastes 12 verse 7, does the soul cease to exist when the breath of life returns to God ? 4.- How can we both love our neighbor as in Matthew 5 verse 43 and 44, and not give holy things to them as in Matthew 7 verse 6 ? 5.- Why did God throw Satan to Earth instead of somewhere else ? 6.- Does the creation account say that space is water ? 7.- Abraham tested the Lord, but Samuel says you cannot test the Lord. Can you explain ? 8.- Should we keep asking for Jesus to forgive us when we make a mistake ? or do we trust that the Spirit changes us ? 9.- How did Noah breathe in the ark ? 10.- What does the Bible say about converting from paganism to worshiping God ? 11.- In John 20 verses 21 through 23, did Jesus give humanity the ability to forgive sins ? 12.- Where is Satan now and where has he been since he tempted Jesus ? 13.- Why does God need to be praised ? 14.- In 1 Peter 1 verses 10 to 11, is the Spirit of Christ the same as the Holy Spirit ? 15.- In Revelation 8 verse 1 when Jesus leaves Heaven to retrieve His people, does this take a half hour ? 16.- Can I take communion at home if I don’t belong to a church ? 17.- Why did Jesus tell us to pray that our flight may not be during the winter or the Sabbath ? 18.- Why will it not be possible to have children after the millennium, in Heaven ? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/297/29
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    59 min
  • BAL 2024, Ep31 - Is It Okay To Clean Up After a Meal on Sabbath ?
    Dec 22 2024
    Study with us in this edition of Bible Answers Live, where the pastors discuss dirty frogs and dirty dishes ! They’ll also speak on women’s ordination, defending our faith as Christians and how to know that when we study the Bible, we are learning what we are supposed to learn. Tune in and you’ll also learn about God’s beautiful empathy toward us, and about His limitations... Don’t this miss this episode and join us now ! 1-. Is Malachi 3 verse 1 referring to the temple in Jerusalem or to a different temple ? 2.- Is there Bible support for such brutality as took place at Calvary ? 3.- What do the three unclean frogs represent ? 4.- What does the Bible say about women’s ordination ? 5.- What is the difference between having faith in Jesus and having faith in works ? 6.- Is Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany the same woman ? 7.- Is it a sin to clean up after a meal on the Sabbath ? 8.- How are we as Christians supposed to defend our faith when the world seems like it’s attacking us ? 9.- Is it acceptable to be cremated, rather than buried ? 10.- With so many denominations, how do we study the Bible to know that we are understanding it correctly ? 11.- In Genesis 32 verse 30, did Jacob really see God face to face ? 12.- Regarding Luke 16 verses 19 through 31, how does the parable of the rich man and Lazarus differ from other parables talking about the afterlife ? 13.- Why do people tell me they follow the nine commandments, but they don’t follow the sabbath commandment ? What excuse are they using ? 14.- Who are the two witnesses from Revelation 11 verses 3 through 13 ? 15.- In Daniel 8 verse 14, what is being cleansed in that sanctuary ? 16.- Does God understand our pain ? 17.- Are there things that God can’t do ? 18.- Can you explain where the people went after rising from the graves, and what the holy city is in Matthew 27 verses 52 and 53 ? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/297/29
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    59 min
  • BAL 2024, Ep30 - Does the Bible Mention Visitors From Outer Space ?
    Dec 15 2024
    Let's study together as we learn in this installment of "Bible Answers Live" about who the Angel of the Lord is, and why the idea of being saved once forever is inaccurate. Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross will also discuss the recent phenomenon of the mysterious drones and flying objects, and will look to the Bible to determine if there is life on other planets. Don't miss out and tune in now ! 1.- Matthew 23 verse 9 says, Call no man your father upon the earth. Does that mean I should not call my dad father ? 2.- Could you explain what 1 Corinthians 15 verse 52 means ? 3.- Why was Judas replaced with Matthias ? Did there have to be twelve disciples ? 4.- What is the purpose of the Mark of the Beast ? 5.- Who is the angel of the Lord ? 6.- Why is the doctrine of once saved, always saved not accurate ? 7.- How can I know what my spiritual gifts are from God ? 8.- Philippians 1 verse 2 and Ephesians 1 verse 2 do not mention the Holy Spirit. Why mention the Father and the Son, but not the Spirit ? 9.- Can you talk about the rich man and Lazarus ? Is this relating to the fate of the wicked in the lake of fire ? 10.- How did Satan know that Adam and Eve were on the earth, and why was he allowed in the Garden of Eden ? 11.- Why did God allow the Egyptians to be part of the exodus from Egypt ? 12.- What is going on in Revelation 17 verse 16 ? 13.- Are the strange objects currently in the sky in America related to the signs and wonders of the end of time ? 14.- Are we descendants of Adam or sixth-day mankind ? 15.- If all the wicked perish before the millennial reign of Christ, who are the people that face death in Isaiah 65 verse 20 ? 16.- Is Satan the scapegoat mentioned in Leviticus 16 verse 8 through 26 ? if so, does he pay for the sins of everyone in Heaven ? 17.- If the Holy Spirit was in the Old Testament, why did Jesus say in John 16 verse 7 that He had to depart in order for the Spirit to come ? 18.- How do angels engage in spiritual warfare ? 19.- What does the Bible say about aliens ? 20.- If God is sovereign, do we have genuine free will ? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/297/29
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    59 min
  • BAL 2024, Ep29 - Are All Sins Forgiven ?
    Dec 8 2024
    Tune in to "Bible Answers Live" now to watch the pastors discuss some very important things ! Have you ever wondered if the Lord wishes us to recycle and take care of the planet ? or maybe you've heard of the new covenant, but don't really understand what it is. Curses, trials, justification and sanctification, God's origin and God forgiving all of our sins... all this and more in this episode of "Bible Answers Live" ! 1.- According to Matthew 12 verses 31 and 32, can we be forgiven for cursing at the Spirit ? 2.- Why is there a time difference in the prophecies of Revelation 12 verse 6 and Daniel 12 verse 12 ? 3.- Is Genesis 2 verse 15 calling us to be good stewards of our planet ? 4.- Why didn’t Jesus want anyone to touch Him before He presented Himself to the Father ? 5.- Why is Jesus referred to as Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus ? 6.- What is the new covenant ? 7.- Why is the Mark of the Beast mentioned in the Bible ? 8.- What does the word signified mean in Revelation 1 verse 1 ? 9.- With current events, are we seeing Isaiah 17 verse 1 come to pass in Damascus ? 10.- When we are going through trials in life, how do we know we are being led by the Holy Spirit ? 11.- Can you explain the process of justification and sanctification ? 12.- If God created everything in the universe, did God create Himself ? 13.- How come John didn’t see water in Heaven ? 14.- Why do people use Peter’s vision of unclean animals as an excuse to eat unclean food ? 15.- Where was Satan during the flood ? 16.- Why was Achan judged so harshly ? 17.- When a true believer dies and is buried, does the soul go to God in Heaven ? 18.- Are all sins forgiven ? 19.- Should our local church hold the state conference accountable by voting out the leaders, or by diverting tithe elsewhere, or should it just follow what they say according to Acts 5 verse 29 and 2 Timothy 2 verses 1, and 2 ? 20.- Does the term child of God apply to everyone or only to believers ? 21.- Directly after His resurrection, where was Jesus before He ascended ? 22.- Where does Scripture mention that it took Noah 120 years to build the ark ? 23.- Where did Cain’s wife come from ? 24.- Can you please explain how all of humanity became sinful after Adam’s and Eve’s fall ? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/297/29
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    59 min
  • BAL 2024, Ep28 - Can We Be Perfect ?
    Nov 24 2024
    Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross host this week's episode to talk about food and diet, prophecy and Revelation, and Bible proof and human perfection. Study with us as we cover these topics and many more ! 1.- Regarding Genesis 9 verse 3, can we really eat every moving thing ? 2.- What style of music is considered appropriate for the Christian in today’s world ? 3.- In 1 Corinthians 15 verse 24, Jesus gives power back to the Father. How does this relate to Jesus Himself being God ? 4.- Why is Satan released from bondage after the thousand years spoken of in Revelation 20, and what does a little season mean ? 5.- Does the Bible say that Jonah died in the belly of the whale and then rose again ? 6.- Where in the Bible does it say we are born again at conversion ? 7.- When was the Bible written and is there proof of its accuracy ? 8.- How long was it from the time that Pastor Doug was baptized, living in the cave, until he quit smoking ? 9.- Would you explain Revelation 8 verse 1 ? What is the reason for a half an hour of silence in Heaven ? 10.- Why did the demons demand to go into the pigs if the pigs were going to be killed right after they possessed them ? 11.- Can we be perfect ? 12.- Do the Antichrist and the false prophet help Satan fight against God when He comes back ? 13.- What does the Bible say about women being ordained and preaching ? 14.- Can you help me understand Jeremiah 8 verse 8, and why it doesn’t mention going to church as a commandment ? 15.- Do the Jewish people reject Christ as the Messiah because the events of Isaiah 2 verse 4 haven’t happened ? 16.- Is there a connection between the 490-year prophecy in the book of Daniel, and when Jesus tells His disciples to forgive seventy times seven ? 17.- Are the three angels’ messages part of the Gospel ? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/297/29
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    59 min
  • BAL 2024, Ep27 - Did Jesus Keep the Sabbath After the Resurrection ?
    Nov 17 2024
    In this episode of Bible Answers Live, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross discuss with callers the timing of our salvation and our judgment, God the Father's name and Jesus' observance of the Sabbath. Join us ! Every week callers from around the world have their questions answered straight from the Bible ! Come and study with us ! 1.- Is the current condition of United states politics an indicator of the perilous times that Jesus is talking about in Matthew 24 verse 12 ? 2.- Is salvation a futuristic thing, or is there a Scripture in the Bible that says you are saved at the time of conversion ? 3.- Is Deuteronomy 12 verse 15 saying that all meats are clean ? 4.- Are the following Scriptures relevant for today ? Daniel 2:21, Romans 13:11 and Hosea 8:2-4. 5.- If Jesus’ name is Jehovah, what is God the Father’s name ? 6.- Do demons need a human body to be around people ? 7.- When is the Book of Life opened, and people judged from it ? 8.- Does Scripture provide support for elective medical procedures ? 9.- Should a woman cover her head during prayer ? 10.- Did Jesus keep the Sabbath after His resurrection ? 11.- What does 1 Corinthians 6 verse 9 mean when describing idolaters ? 12.- Did Jesus go to the Holy Place, or the Most Holy Place according to Hebrews 9 verse 12 ? 13.- Does the Bible provide guidance for avoiding bad company ? 14.- What does 2 Samuel 22 verse 30 mean ? 15.- Can you explain the 70 weeks of prophecy in Daniel ? 16.- Ephesians 1 verse 13 says we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. Is this the same seal mentioned in the book of Revelation ? 17.- How do I preach without making people feel judged ? 18.- Did Lazarus die a second time or did he ascend to Heaven ? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/297/29
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    59 min
  • BAL 2024, Ep26 - Is All Food Clean To Eat ?
    Nov 10 2024
    Join us in this edition of Bible Answers Live as Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross talk about the current troubling times and the first signs of Jesus' return. They'll also explain some of Christ's "confusing" statements about the dead burying the dead, and what He meant when He said that what we eat doesn't matter... 1.- How does Nehemiah 8 verse 10 apply today with all the trouble in the world ? 2.- What did Christ mean in Matthew 8 verse 22 when He said, let the dead bury the dead ? 3.- What does Numbers 11 verse 25 mean ? 4.- Did the Fifth Commandment, Honor your mother and father, exist before Adam and Eve ? 5.- Why did Daniel describe his dream differently in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 ? 6.- What is the power mentioned in Daniel 12 verse 7 ? 7.- What are the first signs of the end before Jesus returns ? 8.- Is Job 22 verse 9 saying that Job turned away the widows and crushed the orphans ? 9.- How can Job’s righteousness be reconciled when comparing Job 22 verse 9 to chapter 23 verse 10 ? 10.- Will there be an awakening or a renewed awareness of the seventh-day Sabbath in the end-times ? 11.- In John 6 verse 65, what does it mean that no person can come to the Father except through Christ ? 12.- When comparing Matthew 28 verse 19 and Acts 2 verse 38, in whose name do we baptize ? 13.- With all the dramatic weather and democracy collapsing, are we in the middle of Luke’s description in Luke 21 verse 12 ? 14.- What does Luke 17 verse 21 mean ? 15.- Is Mark 7 verses 18 through 20 telling us that all food is clean to eat ? 16.- Can the Lord send harmful spirits ? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/297/29
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    59 min