
  • Friendships (Healthy And Nurturing) Part 2
    May 31 2022

    Last week we talked about the top five friendships you want in your life. Today we are going into detail about what healthy, nurturing friendships look like and how it impacts our mental health in both a positive and negative way.

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    20 min
  • Friendships (Top 5 Healthy Friendships) Part 1
    May 24 2022

    The most memorable people in your life will be the friends who loved you when you weren't very lovable. We all have very different friendships and they all have different purposes. Not everyone has an easy time making friends. When you yourself don't feel lovable, look inwards, some friendship aren't supposed to last but there to teach us a lesson. The very best friend - your life long friend will love you through your personal evolution. Find out what friendships are meant to last and which are only for a chapter.

    Email: thebigsispc@gmail.com

    Instagram: @BigSisNoBS

    Facebook: Big Sis, No BS

    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min
  • Pain. Power. Growth.
    May 17 2022

    We all have at least this in common; we experience pain. What some of us dont realize is we can channel our pain into power and use that power for growth. Join me in todays episode where we will talk about coping techniques, as well as, post-traumatic growth.

    Follow on:

    Facebook: Bigsis,nobs

    Instagram: @bigsisnobs

    Voir plus Voir moins
    16 min
  • Resisting Temptations
    May 9 2022

    This episodes goes into detail about my most recent experience with keeping my sobriety. This past week presented an obstacle that I was not prepared for. Everyone has set backs and I want to share a my personal, in-depth stories about why I started using in the first place.

    Warning: Tiggers include substance abuse, emotional and physical abuse and childhood trauma.

    This episode is dedicated to my grandfather - James Aldrich Everroad - August 14, 1933 to April 29, 2022. Rest In Peace. I love you for always.

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    25 min
  • Reawakening Your Imagination
    May 2 2022

    So excited for this weeks podcast!

    We're going to explore the meaning behind our imagination, what the benefits are and how to practice visualization to embrace our biggest-wildest-dreams!


    Instagram- @bigsisnobs


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    23 min
  • Building Self Confidence
    Apr 26 2022

    This episode is about how I built my self confidence over the years.Through the struggles of body image issues to travel around the world.Let us thrive in our own self-worth, self-respect and self-esteem. We are the ones who choose our value, no one else!

    Follow on:

    Facebook: Big Sis, No BS

    Instagram: Bigsisnobs

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    23 min
  • Daily routine and self-care practices
    Apr 18 2022

    Today we dive into my personal routine, as requested! It's easy to forget to take care of ourselves because were so busy taking care of the people we love. I wanted to give you all some ideas of how I apply self-care to my daily life, as well as, the importance of keeping your spaces clean.

    Products based on steps for daily skin-care

    1. Dr. Bronner's Lavender - Pure- Castile Liquid Soap

    2. Dear, Klairs - Supple Preparation Facial Toner

    3. I'm From - Mugwort Essence

    4. Bio Clarity - Drink It Up _ Hydrating Serum

    5. Bio Clarity - Zen - Ultracalming Serum

    6. Elensilia - CPP - Collagen 80 Intensive Eye Cream

    7. Resveratrol 345NA - Intensive Repair Cream

    8. Thank You Farmer - Water Sun Screen 50+

    Most can be found at sokoglam.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    35 min
  • Struggling through the BS
    Apr 11 2022

    Take a walk with me, through my struggles and my success. Todays podcast has sensitive information including suicide, self harm and depression.

    The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

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    25 min