Join the host Chiefs this Thursday at 6pm CST. For another Black History Moment With this week's guest the Honorable Mayor Roslyn Harmon, who in 2024 made history by becoming the first Black women to run for Mayor and to go on to win. Becoming the first Black women in the history of the City of Golden Valley, Minnesota to become Mayor.
“The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the Black woman. The most neglected person in America is the Black woman.” – Malcolm
As we celebrate Black History Month (February) and Women's History Month (March) this year, we’d like to acknowledge the many ways that Black women have had to create spaces for themselves when no one else was interested in prioritizing their unique existence in American society. Rosly Harmon, is also the executive director for a non-profit Dispute Resolution Center in Saint Paul, Minnesota.