
  • Fireflies Unite: Welcome Teaser
    Dec 1 2017

    It all started with a suicide attempt – eight months following my major depression and generalized anxiety disorders diagnosis. After 10 years of struggling with suicidal thoughts, I could no longer mask my pain. Upon waking up in a psychiatric unit I knew hiding this secret was doing more harm than good. Meet Kea and learn more about her story.

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    25 min
  • Underrated New Year’s Resolutions: Mental Health Goals
    Jan 1 2018
    It's the start of the new year and many of us have goals that we want to accomplish. We set goals such as losing weight, rebuilding credit, saving or maybe we want to start a business. While all of our goals are certainty obtainable we tend to forget to focus on goals that improve our mental and emotional health. Kea discusses goals that will enhance your mental health while providing encouragement and resources. 8 Ways Forgiveness is Good For Your Health Huffington Post Article:https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/25/forgiveness-health-benefits_n_6029736.htmlFireflies Website:www.firefliesunite.com Join the conversation and get social!Facebook Closed Group: Fireflies Unite: Healthy Minds: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1714131805325103/Facebook Fan Page:https://www.facebook.com/firefliespod/Twitter: https://twitter.com/FirefliespodInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/Firefliespod/Therapist Shout-Out: Dr. Tameka Tucker, Inceptus Psychological & Consulting Services in Washington, DC and Alexandria, VAWebsite: http://inceptuspsych.com/Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.- Lao TzuProclamation Of Forgiveness:Today, I am forgiving (person’s name) for (what did they do?). I am releasing hate, guilt, and pity, and embracing love, peace and serenity. I am no longer holding myself in bondage. I am free.5 Mental Health Goals to Incorporate Into the New Yearhttps://themighty.com/2017/12/mental-health-goals-2018/All podcast inquiries: podcast@firefliesunite.com
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    33 min
  • You're Acting Bipolar Featuring Dr. B. Duke
    Jan 8 2018
    Some of us are guilty of casually saying things such as the weather is bipolar or we'll jokingly say someone is acting bipolar without understanding what the illness consist of. More than 5 million people in the United States have bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder typically have mood swings that range from highs called mania to lows called depression. Learn more about bipolar disorder. Kea interviews Dr. B. Duke who shares her battle with bipolar and generalized anxiety disorders. Therapist Shout-out: Karen Allen, Imani ConsultingWebsite: http://www.imaniconsulting.com/ Services located in Bowie, MDPlease don't forget to send your therapist shout-outs and journal entries to podcast@firefliesunite.com with your therapist name, website and city that his or she is located. Send your therapist name, website and city that his or she is located. Your name will not be stated on the podcast unless you state otherwise.Healthline Article:https://www.healthline.com/health/could-it-be-bipolar-signs-to-look-for#diagnosis-and-treatment7
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    1 h et 9 min
  • Black Girl Boss: Depression & Entrepreneurship Featuring Candice Nicole, Lauren Carson & Dr. Taylor
    Jan 15 2018
    Many times, we see black women who are social influencers and entrepreneurs that are thriving in all of their black girl magic, but we have no idea of what goes on beneath the surface. In this episode, Kea shares the story of two amazing black women who struggle with the illness of major depressive disorder yet are still thriving in their businesses. She speaks with Candice Nicole of Candice Nicole PR and Lauren Carson of Black Girls Smile, Inc. Dr. Taylor of Minding My Black Business offers tips, resources and strategies to help entrepreneurs maintain a healthy mind and business.Lauren Carson, Black Girls Smile, IncWebsite: www.blackgirlssmile.orgEmail: lcarson@blackgirlssmile.org Candice Nicole, CNPRWebsite: www.candicenicolepr.com Email: candice@candicenicolepr.comDr. Taylor: Minding My Black BusinessWebsite: http://mindingmyblackbusiness.com/Dr. Taylor’s PracticeWesbite: http://www.taylorcounselingconsultingservices.com/ 5 Tips for Black Girl Bosses To Manage Their Mental Healthhttps://21ninety.com/5-tips-for-black-girl-bosses-to-manage-their-mental-healthGolden Krust CEO Article http://firefliesunite.com/blog/black-people-financial-education-and-career-success-does-not-exempt-you-from-mental-illness Therapist Shout-Out: Hope ColemanHope in Her Organization Website: http://www.hopeinher.com/ Hope Coleman’s Direct Website: http://www.hopecoleman.com/ Email: letstalk@hopeinher.comLocated in Baton Rouge, LA
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    1 h et 41 min
  • The Connection Between Mental Illness & Homelessness Featuring Lauren Hope & La Shawn Paul
    Jan 22 2018
    What do you do when you have a rising career as a news reporter, in a depressive episode and become homeless? Well, that is the story of Lauren Hope of Good Girl Chronicles. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 20 to 25% of the homeless population in the United States suffers from some form of severe mental illness. Serious mental illnesses disrupt people’s ability to carry out essential aspects of daily life, such as self-care and household management. Mental illnesses may also prevent people from forming and maintaining stable relationships or cause people to misinterpret others’ guidance and react irrationally. This often results in pushing away caregivers, family, and friends who may be the force keeping that person from becoming homeless. As a result, these factors and the stresses of living with a mental disorder, people with mentally illnesses are much more likely to become homeless than the general population. In this episode, Kea interviewed Lauren and learns more about her story, and the connection between mental illness and homelessness. During the mind, body and soulness segment, La Shawn Paul of Social Work Diva offers insight on how to unpack trauma such as homelessness. Lauren was featured on CBS 6, check it out here:http://wtvr.com/2017/10/23/once-silent-woman-battling-depression-using-voice-to-help-others-survival-is-a-choice/Lauren Hope’s Bloghttp://goodgirlchapters.blogspot.com/ Lauren’s Facebook: Good Girl Chronicles LLCLauren’s Twitter: @laurenhope84Lauren’s Instagram: @laurenhopespeaksSocial Work DivaWebsite: http://www.socialworkdiva.com/#home Instagram: @socialworkdivaTherapist Shout-out: Northside CenterLocated In: East Harlem, New York and have various locations throughout New York Website: https://www.northsidecenter.org/ National Coalition for Homelesshttp://www.nationalhomeless.org/factsheets/Mental_Illness.pdf
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    1 h et 14 min
  • Suicide Will Send You To Hell: Mental Illness, Suicide & The Church Featuring Pastor Alnicia Gibson, Pastor Xavier Small & Kiaundra Jackson
    Jan 29 2018
    The highly requested and anticipated episode entitled 'Suicide Will Send You To Hell: Mental Illness, Suicide & The Church' is now live, featuring Pastor Alnicia Gibson who lives with bipolar disorder and Pastor Xavier Small who battled depression. During the mind, body and soulness segment, Kiaundra Jackson, a licensed therapist who offers faith-based counseling recommends how the church and mental health professionals can work together.Reference/Links: Saved & Depressed: A Real Conversation About Faith & Mental Health https://urbanfaith.com/2017/03/saved-depressed-real-conversation-faith-mental-health.html/ Why Are Pastors Committing Suicide?https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/why-pastors-are-committing-suicide/Pastor Alnicia GibsonBlessed To Be Gifted Ministry Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blessedtobegiftedministry/ Pastor Alnicia Gibson’s Email: blessed2begifted@gmail.com Pastor Xavier SmallTwitter: @JusCallMeRevInstagram: @JusCallMeRevBlog: https://theroguestormtrooper.wordpress.com/ Kiaundra Jackson, LMFTWebsite: www.kwcouplestherapy.comEmail: kiaundra@kwcouplestherapy.comIInstagram & Facebook: @KiaundraJacksonKiaundra’s Books:Staying Sane in an Insane World: A Prescription for Even Better Mental Healthhttps://www.amazon.com/Staying-Sane-Insane-World-Prescription-ebook/dp/B074VGFWBD/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1511820363&sr=1-1&keywords=staying+sane+in+an+insane+worldThe Art of Healthy Relationshipshttps://www.amazon.com/Art-Relationships-Components-Relationship-Should-ebook/dp/B074FB2BSS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1511820298&sr=8-1&keywords=the+art+of+healthy+relationshipsTherapist Shout-Out: Trinity Life Solutions of Northwest Florida Website: https://www.tlstherapy.com/ Where to find Fireflies Unite?Fireflies Unite: Healthy Minds Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/firefliespodClosed Facebook Grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1714131805325103/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Firefliespod Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/firefliespod/
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    2 h et 1 min
  • Do Therapists Need Therapy?...Featuring Shivonne Odom of Akoma Counseling Concepts
    Feb 5 2018
    Kea comes from the school of thought that everybody needs a therapist, and this includes therapists too. Whether they have experienced trauma, have a mental illness or not, therapy is beneficial to them as well. As therapists are sitting in sessions listening to their clients, it can take a toll on them if they do not take care of themselves. But, what happens when a therapist who experienced trauma and has a mental illness? How do they help your clients? During this episode, Kea interviews Shivonne Odom. She is the visionary of Akoma Counseling Concepts, LLC that specializes in maternal mental health. Due to her sexual assault, she battled with anxiety, depression and panic disorders. Learn more about her story and dedication to ensure girls, women and mothers are mentally healthy. The mind, body and soulness segment offers insight on how essential oils can help you manage your mental health.References/Links:Shivonne Odom, Akoma Counseling, LLC.Website: https://www.akomacounselingconcepts.com/Twitter: https://twitter.com/AkomaCounseling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shivonneAKC/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/akoma_counseling/ Therapist Shout-out: Jaynay C. Johnson, Teen Therapy TalkWebsite: https://www.teentherapytalk.com/dear-teen-self Based in Philadelphia, PAEssential Oils Research: https://draxe.com/essential-oils-guide/https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/explore-healing-practices/aromatherapy/how-do-essential-oils-work Purchase Essential Oils: https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/c/essential-oil-products/singles http://www.gnc.com/personal-care/aromatherapy/essential-oils/Where to find Fireflies Unite?Facebook Closed Group: Fireflies Unite: Healthy Minds Facebook Fan Page: Fireflies Unite (@firefliespod)https://www.facebook.com/groups/1714131805325103/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Firefliespod Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/firefliespod/
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    52 min
  • It's Levels To This: Medication For Mental Illness Featuring Dr. Doomes & Dr. Glover of the Thrive Mindfulness Project
    Feb 12 2018
    In the words to Meek Mills “It’s levels to this”, said Dr. Glover referring to mental illness during her interview. “You would never tell someone who broke their ankle to smoke weed and their ankle will heal on its own.”So many times we hear that taking medication for mental illness is for crazy people or it will make you feel like a zombie. It actually discouraged Kea for taking medication. According to an article by NBC, one in six Americans take psychotropic medication---mostly antidepressants. This week's episodes address taking medication for mental illness with two psychiatrists of the Thrive Mindfulness Project, Dr. Doomes and Dr. Glover. Medical & Mental Health Terms:Psychotropic medications: any medication that is used to treat a mental disorder (encompasses meds for anxiety, depression, bipolar and psychotic disorders)Psychologist: One who has a doctorate in psychology (either a Ph.D. or a Psy.D)Psychiatrist: A type of physician. One who attended medical school then did a four-year residency in psychiatry, a medical specialty focusing on mind-body interactions and mental disorders and license to medication.Psychiatric NP: nurse-practitioners who are licensed to prescribe medicationsTherapist: Can be a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker trained in psychotherapy, LMFT (licensed marriage and family therapist) or LMHC (licensed mental health counselor). Each of the above professionals has a different and distinct way of training and length of time spent in training. Typically, psychiatrists and psychologists spend the most years in training and/or research. Psychologists are usually extensively trained in psychotherapy. Psychiatrists are trained in psychotherapy and in medical and mental health disorders. Therapist Shout-Out: Marline Francois Madden, founder, owner and therspist of Hearts Empowerment Counseling CenterHearts Empowerment Counseling Center (HECC) is a therapy practice located in Montclair, New Jersey that provides a safe space for women and adolescent girls through individual, group and family therapy. Website: https://www.heartsempowerment.com/Girls Brunch and Bond Link: https://www.brunchandbond.com/Where to find Fireflies Unite? Facebook Closed Group: Fireflies Unite: Healthy Minds https://www.facebook.com/groups/1714131805325103/ Facebook Fan Page: Fireflies Unite (@firefliespod) Twitter: https://twitter.com/Firefliespod Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/firefliespod/References/Links:NBC News Article: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/one-6-americans-take-antidepressants-other-psychiatric-drugs-n695141 Huffington Post Article: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/16/women-and-prescription-drug-use_n_1098023.html Psych Central Article: https://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2011/11/02/the-vicious-cycle-of-poverty-and-mental-health/Let’s Erase The Stigma Article: http://www.letserasethestigma.com/african-american-mental-health/ 27 Reasons To Use Aluminum Free Deodoranthttps://mynaturaldeodorant.com/27-reasons-to-use-aluminum-free-deodorant/
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    1 h et 13 min