
  • Blackout Radio CZ (Ansea Guest mix) [RAW HYPNOTIC TECHNO]
    May 17 2023
    Brand new episode!Enjoy and subscribe for more !!!
    You need some raving equipment ? Hit link below !!! (CODE: ,,STRIX10'' for 10% Sale )RAVESHOP.CZ BUY LINK 
     Follow us on social media: https://www.instagram.com/patricio_strix_official/https://www.instagram.com/stefunno/https://www.instagram.com/blackout.events.cz/https://www.instagram.com/blackout.radio.cz/
    If you want to have a guestmix in our show, just send us link with 1,5h - 2h of your mix (WAV) including tracklist. Email: blackout.radio.cz@gmail.com 

    Ansea, or Anna Vičarová by her real name, comes from a small town near the Orlické Hory.

    However, Lanškroun seemed too small for her wild dreams since childhood, so she moved to her beloved Prague at the age of 18.

    Her love for music accompanies her throughout her life. Whether it was playing old classics on the piano, through a disc drive full of burnt rock CDs and collecting jazz LPs to the first techno party.

    "I love how music affects people ... when I play, it's almost like a spiritual thing for me" - Says DJ and Producer Ansea.

    Dark to hypnotic, full of earthy sounds and a playful groove, this is Techno in her presentation, and it is an offer that is increasingly meeting demand.

    Currently, Ansea is starting to perform in clubs all over the country and appears on line-ups with names such as Dj Nkyp, Holly the Big, Adriana Hranáčová, Dominik Gehringer, Patricio Strix, Subgate or Orbith and is also looking forward to meeting Golpe aka Broken  Robot soon.

    Although she sometimes likes to play progressive and other branches of house music, her natural underground style always shows.

    INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/anseaworld?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==

    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Anseawildworld

    SOUNDCLOUD: https://on.soundcloud.com/XMtxEp6Wp9hTaZBp7

    CZE BIO 


    Vlastním jménem Anna Vičarová pochází z malého města poblíž Orlických hor. Lanškroun ji ale už od dětství přišel příliš malý pro její divoké sny a tak se hned v 18 odstěhovala do své milované Prahy. 

    Láska k hudbě se ji drží celý život, ať už to byla hra na klavír starých klasiků přes diskmen plný vypalovaných rockových cédéček a sbírání Jazzových LPíček až po první techno party.

    „Miluju jak hudba působí na lidi, když hraju, je to pro mě skoro jako spirituální záležitost” - Říká Djka a Producentka Ansea.

    Temné až hypnotické plné zemitých zvuků a hravý groove, takové je Techno v jejím podání a je to nabídka, která se čím dál více potkává s poptávkou. 

    V současné době Ansea začíná vystupovat v klubech po celé republice a objevuje se na line-upech mezi jmény jako jsou třeba Dj Nkyp, Holly the Big, Adriana Hranáčová, Dominik Gehringer, Patricio Strix, Subgate nebo Orbith a těší se i na brzké setkání s Golpe aka Broken Robot. 

    I když si občas ráda zahraje i progressive a další odvětví House music, vždy se projevuje její přirozený undergroundový styl. 

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    1 h et 25 min
  • Patricio Strix - Raw home session Vol. 2 [RAW - TECHNO]
    Apr 4 2023
    Brand new episode!Enjoy and subscribe for more !!!
    You need some raving equipment ? Hit link below !!! (CODE: ,,STRIX10'' for 10% Sale )RAVESHOP.CZ
     Follow us on social media: https://www.instagram.com/patricio_strix_official/https://www.instagram.com/stefunno/https://www.instagram.com/blackout.events.cz/https://www.instagram.com/blackout.radio.cz/
    If you want to have a guestmix in our show, just send us link with 1,5h - 2h of your mix (WAV) including tracklist. Email: blackout.radio.cz@gmail.com
    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 7 min
  • Patricio Strix - Raw home session Vol. 1 [ RAW - TECHNO ]
    Apr 4 2023
    Brand new episode!Enjoy and subscribe for more !!!
    You need some raving equipment ? Hit link below !!! (CODE: ,,STRIX10'' for 10% Sale )RAVESHOP.CZ
     Follow us on social media: https://www.instagram.com/patricio_strix_official/https://www.instagram.com/stefunno/https://www.instagram.com/blackout.events.cz/https://www.instagram.com/blackout.radio.cz/
    If you want to have a guestmix in our show, just send us link with 1,5h - 2h of your mix (WAV) including tracklist. Email: blackout.radio.cz@gmail.com 
    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 17 min
  • Blackout Radio CZ (Patricio Strix ¨Dark Studio Session¨ [PEAK TIME - DRIVING TECHNO]
    Mar 18 2023
    Brand new episode !
    Enjoy and subscribe for more !!! 
    You need some raving equipment ? Hit link below !!!RAVESHOP.CZ
    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 12 min
  • Blackout Radio CZ ( Patricio Strix- Blackout Crew Revelation vol.6 ) [ PEAK TIME - DRIVING TECHNO ]
    Mar 4 2023
    Brand new episode!
    After a long hiatus, we are here again to bring you another episode of our podcast. We apologize for the long wait. starting in March, episodes will be coming out more regularly.
    Thank you for your support. Let's Rave !!!

    Enjoy and subscribe for more !!!
    Follow us on social media:

    If you want to have a guestmix in our show, just send us link with 1,5h - 2h of your mix (WAV) including tracklist.
    Email: blackout.radio.cz@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 1 min
    Oct 28 2022

    Brand new episode!

    Enjoy and subscribe for more !!!
    Follow us on social media:

    If you want to have a guestmix in our show, just send us link with 1,5h - 2h of your mix (WAV) including tracklist.
    Email: blackout.radio.cz@gmail.com

    I come from Vilnius, Lithuania, but have lived in London for a later part of my life, where the vibrant underground music scene sparked my interest in DJing. Recently I have moved to Prague to work as economist and this city has fuelled my passion for techno.My DJing style encompasses everything I have learned from countless raves I have visited during my time in London, based around quick transitions with high momentum and energy.
    Social media
    Instagram: @maxwellzeidlerSoundcloud: https://m.soundcloud.com/user-650722578

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    1 h
    Oct 5 2022

    Brand new episode!

    Enjoy and subscribe for more !!!
    Follow us on social media:

    If you want to have a guestmix in our show, just send us link with 1,5h - 2h of your mix (WAV) including tracklist.
    Email: blackout.radio.cz@gmail.com


    Prague's emerging DJ, who has no problem playing an extended set starting with progressive, going through tech-house to techno and ending with a tech-trance with higher BPM.Trance/tech-trance is his favourite genre, so you can often hear remixes of trance classics in his sets.
    He is a newcomer in the field of club events. But he often organizes smaller parties for his friends, where he starts at 125 BPM and sometimes ends up at 140 BPM.

    Instagram - knedlmanSoundcloud - knedlman
    Voir plus Voir moins
    58 min
  • Blackout Radio CZ ( DJ_HeadbanG - BLACKOUT CONTEST 3.RD Place) [ PEAK-TIME/DRIVING TECHNO ]
    Sep 26 2022

    Brand new episode!

    Enjoy and subscribe for more !!!
    Follow us on social media:

    If you want to have a guestmix in our show, just send us link with 1,5h - 2h of your mix (WAV) including tracklist.
    Email: blackout.radio.cz@gmail.com

    Hi, my name is Honza Fejkus (Dj_HeadbanG). I'm a native of the Moravian-Silesian town of Frýdek-Místek,where my musical career began. I started playing electronic music in 2010. From
    Since then, I have gradually worked my way up from House and Minimal-Techno styles until 2018, when
    Techno and its sub-genres Melodic techno, Acid-techno. My sets start on
    a quiet 130-132 bpm, but I'm not afraid to push them up to a faster 140-145 bpm. I've performed
    in clubs Stoun (F-M), Ostrava clubs Fabric and Marley, also in Liberec SPOT, Cross
    (Prague) and Stage&Radio club (Manchester - UK).
    Fest, Future Control open air, ForestFest. I have collaborated on club events such as
    Resonance or Technodust. My motto: 'If you're not dancing, it's not you' sums up exactly what's behind the mix.
    I give people, which is 100% performance and a load of Techno that won't let them sit still. I'm always trying to
    pushing myself, learning new things. I'm not afraid to take criticism and people's opinions, no matter how good they are
    or bad, because those things are important to me. I am constantly working on myself and improving myself as
    in my mixing technique and in my general overview of the music scene. I've always known that you can make music
    to express everything, whether it's feelings, words, or just an opinion on a situation or what's going on around you. That's why music
    and I try to see it as a necessary thing for life.

    Artist social media:

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