• Bled's Winter Bliss: A Tale of Healing and New Beginnings

  • Jan 6 2025
  • Durée: 15 min
  • Podcast

Bled's Winter Bliss: A Tale of Healing and New Beginnings

  • Résumé

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Bled's Winter Bliss: A Tale of Healing and New Beginnings Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-06-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Miha je stal na vrhu bele strmine na smučišču pri Bledu.En: Miha stood at the top of the white slope at the ski resort near Bled.Sl: Svež zrak ga je pozdravil, medtem ko je snežilo.En: The fresh air greeted him as it snowed.Sl: Prišel je iz Ljubljane, da bi našel mir in jasnost.En: He had come from Ljubljana to find peace and clarity.Sl: Po nedavnem razhodu se je želel osredotočiti na nekaj, kar mu je bilo ljubo – smučanje.En: After a recent breakup, he wanted to focus on something he cherished—skiing.Sl: Medtem, na drugi strani, je Nina, novinarka iz Maribora, pridno hodila po poteh okoli jezera, zvezek in kamera v roki.En: Meanwhile, on the other side, Nina, a journalist from Maribor, was diligently walking the paths around the lake, notebook and camera in hand.Sl: Njen cilj je bil ujeti zimsko čarobnost Bleda za članek o sezonskih tradicijah.En: Her goal was to capture the winter magic of Bled for an article on seasonal traditions.Sl: Toda skrivala je notranji pritisk – rok trajanja je grozil, ona pa še vedno ni našla srčne zgodbe.En: But she was hiding inner pressure—a deadline loomed, yet she hadn't found the heartfelt story.Sl: Jure, Mihov prijatelj iz otroštva, je delal na smučišču kot vodja.En: Jure, Miha's childhood friend, worked at the ski resort as a manager.Sl: Z veseljem je pozdravil Miha: "Prijatelj, to je pravo mesto za začetek znova.En: He cheerfully greeted Miha, "Friend, this is the right place to start over.Sl: Pozabi težave in uživaj!"En: Forget your troubles and enjoy!"Sl: Nagovoril ga je, naj se udeleži krajevnega praznovanja pravoslavnega božiča, ki se je bližalo.En: He encouraged him to attend the local celebration of Orthodox Christmas, which was approaching.Sl: Morda bi družba pomagala zdraviti rane.En: Perhaps the company would help heal wounds.Sl: Nina je opazovala lesketanje ledvene gladine z otoka, cerkev je stala na sredini kot iz pravljice.En: Nina watched the shimmering surface of the lake from the island, the church standing in the middle like something out of a fairy tale.Sl: Srečala je Jureta, ki jo je povabil na praznovanje.En: She met Jure, who invited her to the celebration.Sl: "Blažene trenutke najdeš v ljudeh," je rekel, in Nina se je odločila, da si vzame čas zase.En: "You find blessed moments with people," he said, and Nina decided to take time for herself.Sl: Na večeru praznovanja je bilo toplo, polno smeha in toplih luči.En: The evening of the celebration was warm, full of laughter and warm lights.Sl: Miha in Nina sta se po naključju srečala.En: Miha and Nina met by chance.Sl: Njuni pogledi so se ujeli, in po prijazni izmenjavi sta se zapletla v pogovor.En: Their eyes met, and after a friendly exchange, they became engaged in conversation.Sl: Miha je delil svojo zgodbo, kako ga smučanje pomirja, in Nina je spregovorila o ljubezni do pripovedovanja zgodb in izzivih njenega dela.En: Miha shared his story of how skiing calms him, and Nina spoke about her love for storytelling and the challenges of her work.Sl: Pogovor je zahajal globlje, kot sta pričakovala.En: The conversation went deeper than they expected.Sl: Miha je spoznal, da je lahko srečen z nekom, ki deli njegovo strast za pustolovščino.En: Miha realized he could be happy with someone who shares his passion for adventure.Sl: Nina se je zavedla, da je ravnotežje med delom in osebno izkušnjo nujno za obogatitev obojega.En: Nina understood that balance between work and personal experience is essential for enriching both.Sl: Ko je dan minil, sta se sklenila, da skupaj raziščeta čudovit zimski Bled.En: As the day passed, they decided to explore the beautiful winter Bled together.Sl: Drsnila sta po zamrznjenem jezeru in občudovala bele pokrajine.En: They skated on the frozen lake and admired the white landscapes.Sl: Miha je spet našel smisel življenja in odprtost; strahovi so počasi usihali.En: Miha rediscovered the meaning of life and openness; his fears slowly faded.Sl: Nina je svoj članek videla v drugačni luči – poln resničnih doživetij in iskrene sreče, ki ju je doživela.En: Nina saw her article in a different light—full of real experiences and genuine happiness she had encountered.Sl: Bled je postal njun začetek.En: Bled became their beginning.Sl: Kazal je čarobnost trenutkov, ki niso bili le delo ali beg, ampak srčna povezanost in odkritje.En: It showcased the magic of moments that were not just about work or escape but about heartfelt connection and discovery. Vocabulary Words:slope: strminacherished: ljubodiligently: pridnonotebook: zvezekinner: notranjideadline: rok trajanjaloomed: grozilheartfelt: srčnamanager: vodjaheal: zdravitiwounds: raneshimmering: lesketanjesurface: gladinablessed: blaženeexchange: ...
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