
  • Episode 79 "My FairyGodmother is Alice Cooper"
    Apr 8 2024

    "Beneath the Sternum of Where the Heart Would Be" is a song right? Should we start a band?! 2009's Suck taught us that it can only get better if you date your worthless ex and become a vampire! Also, Kacey has no idea who Malcom McDowell is.

    (TW at 34min for our sweet Morgan listener!)

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    49 min
  • Episode 78 "Kacey Has No Inner Child"
    Mar 25 2024

    If a thirteen year old girl wrote this anime, Kacey refuses to know where she's coming from! Welcome back to the pod ya'll. We're unpacking the rest of Season One of Vampire Knight.

    Things We Learned:

    • Only one teacher at the academy?
    • Only one human boy at the academy?
    • Only one adult female vampire but we kill her?


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    58 min
  • Episode 77 "Kacey Loves Anime Now"
    Feb 12 2024

    Someone smarter has written something about this somewhere, but all we know is that sexy anime with creepy tall vampire boys titillates Sarah-Marie, infuriates Kacey, and we both loved it. 

    Things We Learned:

    • SM wouldn't last one day in the Night Academy because of white uniforms. 
    • Kacey won't have it, people. 
    • Love is an idiot.

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    53 min
  • Episode 76 "Sooooooore Vam"
    Jan 29 2024

    Was this the 80's? Was this hazing accurate? Is Australia this terrible to it's LGBTQ+ Community? We're confused!

    Things We Learned:

    • SM recorded the audio from Australia, where apparently things are terrible. Which is why the pod sounds this way this week. 
    • Samuel L Jackson has a purple Lightsaber and some vams get amazing eye colors
    • Making a movie, getting feedback, it's really hard! Soooooore harrrrd. 
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    58 min
  • Episode 75 "Mythically Feral Butthole Nipple"
    Jan 15 2024

    How's your blood portall today? Lost your face? How about a broken toilet of cake during your fire drill? If none of this makes sense, WELCOME TO PERPETRATOR. 

    Things We Learned:

    • Forevering is the dumbest way to say immortal. 
    • Menstrual Discs are AMAZING and #flexdisc should sponsor us please and thank you
    • Alicia Silverstone is trying to ruin vampires for us like she ruined that carpet. 
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    58 min
  • Episode 74 "Christian Blood Stuff"
    Dec 4 2023

    Dracula 2000 (2000) has a whole loaf of milk toast choices in it. *This message sponsored by virgin (but not really)

    Things We Learned:

    • Judas is Dracula?! 
    • KC wasn't even born here ya'll!
    • Mardi Gras death metal is a terrible choice. 
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    56 min
  • RE-RELEASE! Ep 27 "Flatulent Ergo Sum"
    Nov 13 2023

    In celebration of releasing Blood Sisters over on the Little Renegade Films youtube, we're taking this week off of the pod to share with you an OLDY BUT A GOODY (as Sm's mom would say). We love you and would get addicted to your blood any day!


    This week we watched 1995's The Addiction and it was as much fun as putting on a pair of jeans after two years in a pandemic. Like, we like these jeans, but we're also mad at them for doing this to us. 

    We learned

    1. Pu'er Tea is a dirt tea that's very healthy for you, and maybe a philosopher?
    2. "DON'T DO THIS" are the exact words said and then you're getting kicked in the dick, and then KC is getting mint chip ice cream
    3. Spoiler: It's a Metaphor
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    54 min
  • Episode 73 "Clueless Vampires"
    Nov 6 2023

    Vamps (2012) sure did try to be Clueless but it sure didn't have Jane Austen to bolster it up. No stakes for ep 73 of the pod. No garlic either. Lame.

    Things We Learned:

    • KC doesn't see sub-genre apparently. She has a condition. Un-Sub-Genre-Itis
    • Was it a good adaptation? Or just a copy-cat who copies? Tell us in the discord cause we're STILL fighting about Clueless. 


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    52 min