• Blossoms in Winter: A Journey of Hope and Resilience

  • Jan 19 2025
  • Durée: 13 min
  • Podcast

Blossoms in Winter: A Journey of Hope and Resilience

  • Résumé

  • Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Blossoms in Winter: A Journey of Hope and Resilience Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-01-19-23-34-01-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Zrak je bio hladan, a snijeg je lagano prekrivao staze Botaničkog vrta u Zagrebu.En: The air was cold, and snow gently covered the paths of the Botanički vrt in Zagreb.Hr: Ivana stajala je pored ulaza, omotana u topli kaput, čekajući svoje prijatelje.En: Ivana stood next to the entrance, wrapped in a warm coat, waiting for her friends.Hr: Danas je imala poseban plan.En: Today, she had a special plan.Hr: Željela je Borisu pokazati ljepotu i snagu prirode.En: She wanted to show Boris the beauty and strength of nature.Hr: Boris je nedavno saznao da ima multiplu sklerozu.En: Boris had recently learned that he had multiple sclerosis.Hr: Bio je zbunjen i zabrinut zbog budućnosti.En: He was confused and worried about the future.Hr: Marina, njihova prijateljica, stajala je uz njega s toplim osmijehom, pružajući mu podršku.En: Marina, their friend, stood by him with a warm smile, offering him support.Hr: "Idemo unutra", predloži Ivana s entuzijazmom, otvarajući vrata vrta.En: "Let's go inside," suggested Ivana enthusiastically, opening the garden door.Hr: Unutra, vrt je bio tiho utočište.En: Inside, the garden was a quiet sanctuary.Hr: Ivana je vodila Borisa i Marinu kroz staze, pokazujući im različite vrste biljaka koje su opstale usprkos hladnim zimskim uvjetima.En: Ivana led Boris and Marina through the paths, showing them different types of plants that survived despite the cold winter conditions.Hr: "Pogledajte ovu cvjetnicu", reče Ivana, pokazujući na mali cvijet koji se probijao kroz snijeg.En: "Look at this flowering plant," said Ivana, pointing to a small flower breaking through the snow.Hr: "Čak i kad je teško, priroda pronađe put.En: "Even when it's tough, nature finds a way."Hr: "Boris je gledao cvijet, a u tom trenutku osjetio je nešto novo unutar sebe.En: Boris looked at the flower, and at that moment he felt something new inside himself.Hr: Bio je to trenutak prosvjetljenja.En: It was a moment of enlightenment.Hr: Shvatio je da, poput tog cvijeta, i on može pronaći snagu i ljepotu u životu, unatoč svojoj bolesti.En: He realized that, like that flower, he too could find strength and beauty in life, despite his illness.Hr: Na kraju šetnje, Marina mu je pričala o ljudima koji su uspjeli živjeti kvalitetan život s istom dijagnozom.En: At the end of the walk, Marina talked to him about people who managed to live a quality life with the same diagnosis.Hr: Borisu su njezine priče dale nadu.En: Her stories gave Boris hope.Hr: Dok su napuštali vrt, Boris se osjećao lakše, kao da mu je težina sramote i straha konačno skinuta s ramena.En: As they left the garden, Boris felt lighter, as if the weight of shame and fear had finally lifted from his shoulders.Hr: "Hvala vam na svemu", reče Boris, a glas mu je bio topao.En: "Thank you for everything," said Boris, his voice warm.Hr: Naslonivši se na Ivanu i Marinu, Boris je znao da nije sam.En: Leaning on Ivana and Marina, Boris knew he was not alone.Hr: Naučio je prihvatiti svoju situaciju, a Ivana je otkrila kako njezina ljubav prema prirodi može pružiti utjehu drugima.En: He had learned to accept his situation, and Ivana discovered how her love of nature could provide comfort to others.Hr: Dok su hodali prema izlazu, svijet je izgledao kao bolje mjesto, ispunjeno nadom i prijateljstvom, i bez obzira na izazove, Boris je bio spreman za budućnost.En: As they walked towards the exit, the world seemed like a better place, filled with hope and friendship, and despite the challenges, Boris was ready for the future. Vocabulary Words:gently: laganocovered: prekrivaowrapped: omotanaconfused: zbunjenenthusiastically: s entuzijazmomopening: otvarajućisanctuary: utočištethrough: krozsurvived: opstaledespite: usprkosflowering: cvjetnicutough: teškofinds: pronađemoment: trenutakenlightenment: prosvjetljenjamanaged: uspjeliquality: kvalitetandiagnosis: dijagnozomlighter: lakšeshame: sramotefear: strahashoulders: ramenaleaning: naslonivšiaccept: prihvatiticomfort: utjehuseemed: izgledaofilled: ispunjenofriendship: prijateljstvomchallenges: izazove
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