We are sharing this crossover episode from Next Economy Now, our other LIFT podcast highlighting the leaders who that are taking a regenerative, bio-regional, democratic, equitable, racially-just, and whole-systems approach to creating the new economy. Check out all episodes here lifteconomy.com/podcast.
How can we move beyond shame and blame to foster collaboration in addressing climate challenges? In this episode, Jenny Morgan, climate strategist and author of Cancel Culture in Climate, discusses the intersection of B Corps, cancel culture, regenerative economics, and sustainable business practices.
For full show notes, visit: https://www.lifteconomy.com/blog/jenny-morgan/
Our newest session of the Next Economy MBA begins March 25th – join us! This nine-month learning journey is designed to provide emerging leaders of the Next Economy with the skills they need to help their organizations thrive.
Learn more and sign up for a free intro with one of our facilitators: https://www.lifteconomy.com/mba.
Special Offer for BtB Listeners: Use code PODCASTMBA to save 10% on tuition.
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