Happy holidays, everyone! Back in the year 2022 I (FOX) played an extremely fun one shot adventure on the podcast Tales from the Glass-Guarded World, and had a blast doing it. I wanted to release it on our feed to get us through through these harrowing times (the holidays). Big shout out to Mike the DM for letting me release this on our feed!
A note from Mike the DM:
This is an episode from a three-part one-shot that was DM'd by Pavel for the Tales from the Glass-Guarded World podcast. It's continuing a plot line that the players dropped in the first season of the show. The Tales from the Glass-Guarded World podcast has ended, since they finished their story, but you can find them on the House of Bob and Tales of Bob podcasts at thehouseofbob.org, where they play a variety of different systems.
Produced and edited by: Mike the DM
DM: Pavel Lishin Cast: Brandon Weigel The Pink Pastor Ben Carter Sarah Ellis Fox
Episode Art by: Brandon Weigel of the Love and Hex webcomic