TRIGGER WARNING!!! This episode deals with child abuse/S.A. and S.N.A.P. (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests).
Luke Schmaltz and King Rat have been a staple of the Denver Punk Rock community for 30 years. He has been a staff writer for Modern Drunkard, a bar and club owner, and now... he is a novelist. "The Belcher (Overserved Underdog)" is a book about a survivor in a world that has disdain for such archetypes. It is a comic book storyline that serves as an allegory for Luke's own life story and continuing struggles. This is an episode that will stun you. Be warned.
also check out for new releases by Palm Ghosts, Chris Broach, Christopher Lee Lewis, The 1984 Draft, Broken Hearts are Blue, and Upset Boy and the Queens!